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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Barbara Aho will be our guest today on The Berean Chronicles----She will be on to discuss the KJV Bible Controversary! We hope that you can listen from 1-3 central time and that some of your questions will be answered!
7/6/2006, 10:17 am Applaud Smite Send Email to wolfflady   Send PM to wolfflady
Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Barbara Aho wrote:

"Gail hedges her recommendation of Kabbalists with a disclaimer, “…just because esoterics see in letters ‘gods’ that are not there, this should not deter true scriptural and scholarly investigation into the word of God.” (p. 1116)

The entire quote that Barbara referenced is below. Gail warns against the Kabbalah:

The internet can be a real "web." Be careful to limit your study to that of verifiable science; avoid mystical New Age information tht counterfeits the truth of God (e.g. Kabbalah). They "changed the truth of God inot a lie" and even worship God's creation (Rom. 1:25); esoterics have their own nonsense meanings ascribed to letters; these should be avoided. But just because New Age vegans worship 'mother earth' is not reason to quit eating vegetables. Likewise, just because esoterics see in letters 'gods' that are not there, this should not deter true scriptural and scholarly investigation into the word of God. (p. 116)

7/6/2006, 10:48 am Applaud Smite Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

New Age vocabulary is found in the New King James Version

excerpt from:
My remarks are in brackets.--Lisa

"There are a lot of New Age renderings in the New King James. They consistently substitute the term “the Christ” for “Christ.” Liberty University’s dean, Norman Geisler, says, “We should be particularly wary when someone refers to Jesus Christ as ‘the Christ.’” The worst component of the New King James is its use of the term, “the One,” capital O-n-e, for the masculine pronoun “he.” This word gives credence to the monism, pantheism, and the neuter god that is so prevalent in the New Age movement. The February edition of Pat Robertson’s Christian American magazine quotes one of the new version editors. She boasts of her “monism” and refers to “god herself” as the neuter One, capital 0-n-e. She believes that God is a female god and a neuter kind of a god. So when we see the 0-n-e in the New King James, instead of “he,” the masculine, we are moving away from the historic God of Christianity to this monistic neuter god. We also see this monism in the New King James in John 4:24. The King James says, “God is a Spirit.” The New King James says, “God is Spirit.” Now we know that there are plenty of spirits that are not God; the NKJV makes similar changes in Revelations 15:3."

"The most frightening thing that I found in the NKJV was its rendition of Luke 7:19—20. The King James says, “he that should come.” The New King James has dropped “he,” capitalized “Coming,” and capitalized “One,” and says, “the Coming One.” They do not know what this is and I suspect they were deceived when the devil got them to put this in there. The New Age and Luciferian matriarch, Alice Bailey, has a chapter in her book entitled “The Doctrine of the Coming One.” Who is her “Coming One”? Let me read what she says:
”Humanity in all lands today awaits the Coming One.... Let death fulfill the purpose of the Coming One.” (The Reappearance of the Christ, pp. 64, 188)"

[The Left Behind series chose to capitalize the word one which gave person of the Lord Jesus Christ a New Age flavor: "'He is the only One who could be the Messiah,' Chaim proclaimed." Desecration p. 231]

"Now Christians know who this “Coming One” is. Second Thessalonians 2:9 says it is the Antichrist, “him, whose coming is after the working of Satan.” By using the title, “Coming One,” that is so pervasive in New Age literature, the New King James is giving us that “common vocabulary” once again that we really do not want to see in our Judeo-Christian bible."

"Another example of the retrograde nature of the New King James is its Jehovah’s Witness readings. They have taken the historic title of the Holy Spirit, the “Comforter” (John 14:16) and changed it to “the HeIper.” The Jehovah’s Witness bible has always called the Holy Spirit “the helper” there and elsewhere because they do not believe the Holy Spirit is a person. They believe the Holy Spirit is a wind or a force, or something like that, something that just sort of helps God. So now the New King James has the identical rendering the Jehovah’s Witness bible (The New World Translation) has had for years and years and years."

[The NKJV changes the Holy Spirit from Comforter to Helper. A guiding spirit will help the New Ager do the will of the Coming One (New Age 'Christ') but this spirit is not the comforter.]

Last edited by Lisa Ruby, 7/6/2006, 12:28 pm
7/6/2006, 11:27 am Applaud Smite Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

The Semitic New Testament
The Plot To Replace The Greek New Testament
by Barbara Aho
On her page scroll down to BIBLE VERSIONS
and then click on the above article to read.

Last edited by wolfflady, 7/6/2006, 12:25 pm
7/6/2006, 12:11 pm Applaud Smite Send Email to wolfflady   Send PM to wolfflady
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

I would beg to differ from most of the respondents on this particular thread. As a matter of fact, the NKJ OT is about the best translation of the OT out there. As far as the NT is concerned, it is translated from the TR, and, in fact, is a better translation of the TR.,than the KJV. There is not ONE verse missing from the NKJV as compared with the KJV. So, i really can't get all the hoopla over this. If people don't 'like' the NKJV, then there is also the KJVER, the KJ2000, the MKJV, and soon to be issued KJ3(formerly LITV).
7/6/2006, 2:46 pm Applaud Smite Send Email to esv2003   Send PM to esv2003
Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Your post mentions an upcoming KJ3 'version' of the Bible. Considering Barbara Aho's comment on Kelly's radio broadcast today that the King James Bible is not a word-for-word translation, it is interesting that you mentioned the KJ3, which is advertised as a word-for-word translation:

"This is what the King James Version was meant to be, an exact word-for-word translation of the Hebrew and Greek texts."

Does this mean that this is a 'set up'? Did Barbara Aho send you here to promote the KJ3 (a word-for-word translation) in order to reinforce what she said on the radio broadcast?

I doubt it.

The way things appear to be may not be the way they actually are.

7/6/2006, 9:52 pm Applaud Smite Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

I have never heard of the KJ3 so I decided to find out what I could about this reported word-for-word translation. Below is Galatians 1:1:

Paul, an apostle, not from men nor
through man, but through Jesus Christ and
God the Father,the One raising Him from
the dead, KJ3

The KJ3 states that God the Father, the One is (present tense) raising Jesus Christ from the dead.

Quote source:
Warning: Excerpts from the KJ3 may be read here but beware of Calvinist materials and doctrines.

God is the Holy One and the Just One but he is not the One. The One is the name the New Agers use for their 'Christ.'

The KJ3 also erroneously states that God the Father, the One is raising Him [Jesus Christ] from the dead.

The real Bible (King James) says that God the Father raised him [Jesus Christ] from the dead:

Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead) KJV

Jesus was raised from the dead over 2,000 years ago and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He is not currently being raised from the dead.

Last edited by Lisa Ruby, 7/7/2006, 12:27 am
7/7/2006, 12:26 am Applaud Smite Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

I can assure you that I have no personal knowledge of Barbara, nor did she 'send' me here; nor am I 'promoting' the KJV3. In fact, I haven't even seen it yet. I've been waiting approximately seven(!) years for my copy to come! emoticon
7/7/2006, 8:07 am Applaud Smite Send Email to esv2003   Send PM to esv2003
Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

geo 27 wrote:

"I have been reading the back and forth E-Mail which has made for some very,to say the least intresting reading.Lisa should have went with her friend that sent the E-Mail,and spoke with Barbara before going public of this form.Also when one of the members of this form sent Lisa a PM she again went public with the reply."

I tried to communicate with Kelly via email regarding Barbara's remarks about the King James Bible not following the Textus Receptus in all places. I deleted my inbox to make more room and do not have the two letters that I wrote directly to Kelly about this matter.

I did save an email that I wrote to Martin in answer to his question about my position on the David Bay situation. I included my concerns about Barbara in this email, which she read as soon as it was forwarded to her. She did not reply to me about this matter. This email was sent to Kelly and David Bay as well.

You can read that letter in the thread that Kelly started called, "Understanding Lisa Ruby's Nit picky attack on Aho." [Note: I made a hyperlink to the 'Nit picky' thread when I uploaded these files to the Liberty To The Captives website]

Last edited by Lisa Ruby, 7/7/2006, 7:52 pm
7/7/2006, 7:49 pm Applaud Smite Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby

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