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  Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?
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Barbara Aho
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Re: Barbara Aho (cont'd)

Dear Friends,

I will not strive with Lisa Ruby. We diverge at the very starting point of the Bible issue – the question as to which takes precedence, the Greek Received Text or the KJV derived from it. I hope Lisa realizes that in promoting Gail Riplinger, she is promoting a protégé of Peter Ruckman, the source of the false teaching that “the KJV corrects the Textus Receptus” where they differ.

In my defense of the KJV, I have not stated that it is infallible but I have stated our positon that the Textus Receptus which underlies it is inerrant. This is the position of scores of King James Bible defenders – and those who maintain the KJV is more accurate than the Greek are a small minority of Ruckmanites.

To hold that the KJV has imperfect translations in places does not mean the KJV is not the Word of God, as the 1611 AV translators stated, “No cause therefore why the word translated should bee denied to be the word, or forbidden to be currant, notwithstanding that some imperfections and blemishes may be noted in the setting forth of it.” Let’s note that, whereas the KJV has “some imperfections and blemishes,” the modern versions are rotten to the core. I would rather have “imperfections and blemishes” than terminal cancer!

Jan Moser and I are researchers and, in our work, there are no sacred cows. (We do hold fast to the Textus Receptus and the fundamentals of the Christian faith, however.) We are always revising our theories and assumptions and our reports as we find new information. When we reach new conclusions, then we change our reports accordingly. We are now in the process of researching the New Testament of the NKJV and a private e-mail to that effect was posted without even asking me what I meant and then publicly misrepresenting this e-mail as Watch Unto Prayer’s secret endorsement of the entire NKJV, Old and New Testaments, which conflicts with other statements on our website. We never planned to research the NKJV Old Testament or to endorse the NKJV as a whole; however, we did intend to revise our old reports as soon as our comparison of the NKJV New Testament with the Textus Receptus was finished.

This disclosure and misrepresentation of my private correspondence about our research project seems like an attempt to trap me in my words in order to discredit other positions we have taken which are not politically correct. At times I feel like I’m still in the Catholic Church, limited by the “Imprimatur” that little popes have stamped on the books and subjects the Christian is permitted to read or agree with – and the NKJV appears to be on the KJV-Only “List of Forbidden Books” along with, in Ruckmanite circles, Greek lexicons, interlinears and concordances. Moreover, it is a “mortal sin” to question the party line set forth by the Christian Internet cabal and woe unto that researcher who departs from the official dogma of the thought police regarding the identity of Antichrist, the False Prophet, the Mark of the Beast or timing of the Rapture! Has it occurred to anyone besides us that the Synagogue of Satan is promoting an entire system of approved counterfeits so that Christians will not dare to look for any others???

I hoped that some of our Watchmen would feel led to contribute to our research project, but now the intimidation card is being played to inhibit anyone from ever consulting a Greek Bible tool, much less opening a NKJV. Think about it. Could the Judeo-Masonic publishers have more effectively discredited the only two English New Testaments currently in use that are based on the Textus Receptus than by putting occult symbols on them and then spooking the Christians about these symbols? Case in point:

“Isn’t it awful that these Rosicrucians placed the revered Greek god Pan at the top of the 1611 KJV Genealogies page? Remember what they were attempting to accomplish: they were attempting to produce a Rosicrucian Bible which would reverberate with Satanic power every second of every day, a sacred book which would gradually move the peoples of the world into practicing that ‘Mystic Christianity; Rosicrucianism.” (David Bay)

I have a few comments to share about Gail Riplinger’s book which Lisa recommends and then I’ll withdraw from this forum since I’ve stated our position on the King James Bible and am really not prepared to say more about the NKJV.

God bless you,
7/4/2006, 3:17 pm Send Email to Barbara Aho   Send PM to Barbara Aho
Barbara Aho
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"In Awe of Thy Word" by Gail Riplinger

In her book, "In Awe of Thy Word," Gail Riplinger warns against trusting Greek interlinears or lexicons to aid in understanding the Bible. She recommends instead that readers “gather insights about the subject from linguists who have already explored this vast and new scientific field of letter meanings.” Who on earth explores “letter meanings”??? Kabbalists do! How do we know that these unsaved “linguists” are not also Kabbalists? We don’t.

In fact, Gail’s book seems to be a primer on Kabbalah, which is discovering the hidden meanings in the letters of words, in this case in the KJV. In her Appendix, which is a dictionary on the hidden meanings of each letter of the alphabet, Gail highly recommends Margaret Magnus’ book, "Gods of the Word: Archetypes in the Consonants," which avers that “gods” inhabit the letters of the alphabet:

“.the consonants and vowels do in fact have a meaning. The most fundamental aspect of that meaning is pure sound without any interpretation or symbolism. That pure sound is meaningful (and how!). But one step above that most fundamental and pure sound-meaning is the archetypal meaning. Since the consonants and vowels form the foundation of the word - not only of its sound, but also of its meaning, then we literally talk in terms of archetypes. Every word is a sound - a shruti note - on which are superimposed a collection of gods whose interaction forms the basis of the word.”

Gail hedges her recommendation of Kabbalists with a disclaimer, “…just because esoterics see in letters ‘gods’ that are not there, this should not deter true scriptural and scholarly investigation into the word of God.” (p. 1116)

In her book, Gail also seeks to legitimize Wycliffe’s English translation of the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate as being a translation from the Traditional Text.

“The myth that the Wycliffe bible came from this ‘Latin Vulgate’ arose from the misleading statement – ‘made from the Latin Vulgate’ – added to the frontice page of an 1850 printed edition of Wycliffe’s Bible, edited by Frederic Madden and Josiah Forshall.”

This is easily proved to be a false statement. Here is a photo of an original edition of the Wycliffe translation with a title page stating that it was translated from the Latin Vulgate:



Gail is a protégé of Peter Ruckman, who frequently makes statements such as the following in his books:

“Correct the Greek with the English. It is always the best policy; the one that God will bless. Feel free (with a clear conscience) in always correcting the Greek Receptus with the Holy Bible [meaning the King James].” ("How to Teach the ‘Original’ Greek," Pensacola: Bible Baptist Bookstore, 1992)

David Cloud wrote of Gail Riplinger's many errors in "In Awe of Thy Word" and her Ruckmanite teaching that the “English KJV corrects the Greek Textus Receptus”.

Friday Church News Notes, August 12, 2005:

“Her newest book again contains many good things in defense of the KJV but it is interspersed with serious mistakes so that it is impossible to have confidence in her research or conclusions at any point. For example, in chapter 22 she claims that John Wycliffe did not use the Latin Vulgate as the basis for his translation but that he used Hebrew, Greek, and Old Latin sources. She says it is a “myth” to say that Wycliffe used the Latin Vulgate. As a matter of fact, a careful comparison of the Wycliffe Bible with the Latin Vulgate and the Old Latin demonstrates that Wycliffe consistently used the Vulgate, with only a very few exceptions. I have done extensive research into the textual basis of the Wycliffe New Testament and it contains most of the textual corruptions found in the Vulgate. For example, the Wycliffe Bible omits “for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever” in Mat. 6:13, “to repentance” in Mat. 9:13 and Mk. 2:17, “spoken by Daniel the prophet” in Mk. 13:14, “get thee behind me Satan” in Lk. 4:8, “the Lord” from 1 Cor. 15:47, “in Christ” in Gal. 3:17, and “God” in 1 Timothy 3:16, to mention only a few of its textual errors. In most of these instances, these things are omitted in the Wycliffe and the Latin Vulgate but are NOT omitted in the Old Latin, so that it is obvious that Wycliffe was indeed following the Vulgate rather than the Traditional Greek Text or the Old Latin. Mrs. Riplinger gives so much seeming documentation that the average reader is convinced that her scholarship is sound, not being in a position to see that she frequently misuses her quotes and reaches conclusions not supported by the facts given in the documents that she cites as her authority…

“She also is a true Ruckmanite, teaching that the English KJV is better than and has replaced the Greek and Hebrew, that there is no need today for learning or using Greek and Hebrew, and other such things. If her position were true we would not even have an English Bible because it was laboriously translated by men who learned Greek and Hebrew and diligently studied the Scriptures in those languages! There is a strange, almost cultic element within the Independent Baptist movement, and Mrs. Riplinger is right in the middle of it.” [end quote]

To show how frequently the Wycliffe translation agrees with the Alexandrian manuscripts and deviates from the Textus Receptus, we have prepared the following Tables of Comparison:

Gail Riplinger also promotes the Gothic Bible as being in the same line of Byzantine manuscripts as the Textus Receptus. The problem is that the Gothic Bible was translated by Ulfilas, an Arian missionary who brought the Arian heresy to Western Gaul in the 4th C., specifically the South of France where the Merovingian heresy had taken root. Arius was an arch heretic who taught that Jesus Christ was a created being.

In his book, "True or False?," David Otis Fuller discussed the Arianism of the Gothic bible:

The Gothic Version

“Modern scholars have been inclined to overestimate the value of the testimony of the ancient versions in this place (I Tim. 3:16). …the Syriac ‘Pesh-itta’…cannot lay claim to perfection. It was evidently influenced by Greek manuscripts like Codex D and the Latin versions, which have ‘which was manifested’, instead of ‘God was manifested’. The popularity of this reading in the Syriac could be explained by the Nestorian influence in the Syrian Church. Nestorius denied the union of two natures of God and man in the one Person of Christ. He was accused of teaching that there were two distinct persons, the Person of God the Son and the Person of the man Christ Jesus. This teaching was condemned by the Council of Ephesus in AD 431 at which Cyril of Alexandria presided. (Cyril himself witnesses in favour of ‘God’ in I Tim. 3:16)...

“Another ancient version likely to prefer the weaker rendering of this important verse was the Gothic translation by Ulphilas, who became Bishop of the Goths in AD 348. He was known to favour the heresy of Arius, who denied the preexistence of the Son of God, affirming that He was created by God and not of one substance with the Father.

“Existing manuscripts of the Gothic version indicate some measure of corruption from Latin sources. The Latin versions all have ‘which was manifested’. Finding this erroneous reading in the sources available to him, Ulphilas would have no difficulty in adopting it, but would be likely to welcome it as favourable to his Arian views.” (David Otis Fuller citing “God—Was Manifest in the Flesh... (I Tim. 3:16)” by Terence H. Brown, Secretary of Trinitarian Bible Society, pp. 33-34) [end quote]

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition gives a similar profile of "Ulfilas":

“ULFILAS [Ulfilas] or Wulfila [Gothic,=little wolf], c.311-383, Gothic bishop, translator of the Bible into Gothic. He was converted to Christianity at Constantinople and was consecrated bishop (341) by the Arian bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia. Ulfilas then returned to the Visigoths as a missionary; it was partly as a result of Ulfilas's work that the Goths became and remained Arians for so long in the face of triumphant Catholicism. Of Ulfilas’s Bible only fragments remain—parts of Genesis, Nehemiah, most of the Gospels, and the whole of Second Corinthians, with several more fragments. Ulfilas is said to have invented the alphabet that he used.” (2006 Columbia University Press)

There are other serious problems with "In Awe of Thy Word," but two major issues are that Gail Riplinger is teaching Kabbalism and turning Christians away from acceptable and very useful Greek resources for Bible study and directing them to occult sources instead.

Barbara Aho
7/4/2006, 4:31 pm Send Email to Barbara Aho   Send PM to Barbara Aho
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

I'm so sorry you are withdrawing from here. Most people know when some proud person is trying to take on something they know nothing about.maybe then I will withdraw too. i'm beginning to think forums are not what God intended but to go to church. I'm sad about this. God Bless You Barb, I'm still on your mailing list! DEB~
7/5/2006, 1:57 am Send Email to comeuphither   Send PM to comeuphither
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Just My Take:

I have been reading the back and forth E-Mail which has made for some very,to say the least intresting reading.Lisa should have went with her friend that sent the E-Mail,and spoke with Barbara before going public of this form.Also when one of the members of this form sent Lisa a PM she again went public with the reply.That seems to be a pattern with Lisa and then you go her web site it all about exposeing others and even some of the product sold by the BC and you came in the door here to expose.Maybe you need to read the format for this form again it so people of like mine can gather not for you to expose others and push your on agenda the only thing that was really exposed was you and by your on words lets just say you were over exposed.

geo 27
7/5/2006, 8:19 am Send Email to geo27   Send PM to geo27
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?


No form or host are building is the "Chuch" it all who follow the lord it is you me and others that are tring to follow and serve him.I as you had plan to leave this form and but change my mind and this is a great form if we use it for the reason it was started.On a lighter side you are sure long winded but have enjoyed reading your view and info that you have placed on this form and I might not agree or reply it was great to read your point of view.

God Bless,
7/5/2006, 8:38 am Send Email to geo27   Send PM to geo27
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Hello Barbara,

I appreciate very much this information on Gail Riplinger's teaching in her book "In Awe of Thy Word".

" “.the consonants and vowels do in fact have a meaning. The most fundamental aspect of that meaning is pure sound without any interpretation or symbolism. That pure sound is meaningful (and how!). But one step above that most fundamental and pure sound-meaning is the archetypal meaning. Since the consonants and vowels form the foundation of the word - not only of its sound, but also of its meaning, then we literally talk in terms of archetypes. Every word is a sound - a shruti note - on which are superimposed a collection of gods whose interaction forms the basis of the word.” "

I would encourage the readers to research for themselves by using Google. Type in
divine harmony+consonants and vowels+Kabbalah, and just see what you come up with!

Also, thank you for letting the readers of this forum know about Gail's views about Wycliffe, and clarifying that for us.

"In her book, Gail also seeks to legitimize Wycliffe’s English translation of the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate as being a translation from the Traditional Text.

“The myth that the Wycliffe bible came from this ‘Latin Vulgate’ arose from the misleading statement - ‘made from the Latin Vulgate’ - added to the frontice page of an 1850 printed edition of Wycliffe’s Bible, edited by Frederic Madden and Josiah Forshall.” "

Not long ago, I was doing a search to see which "alternative" media sources were interviewing David Bay and Chris Pinto in support of their new video, "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings", due to the information you had provided on Kelly's program. That search turned up The Southwest Radio Church program which is presided over by Noah Hutchings. I noticed that Gail Riplinger has also been a guest on Hutching's program numerous times promoting her various books over the years. I believe I saw a notice on the SWRC website that Noah and Gail were to work on a book together, but it might have been Noah and Cathy Burns? I'm sorry, I have not been able to find that information again.

What disturbed me most though, was my discovery that Noah Hutchings has written a book about Pyramidology, "The Great Pyramids, Prophecy in Stone".

I was stunned at this discovery. I couldn't see how anyone calling themself a Christian, and supposedly someone who "exposes" Freemasonry, could possibly believe that the Great Pyramids of Egypt could be "Prophecy written in stone"!

The Great Pyramid
Dr. Noah Hutchings
The Scriptures say that God established wonders in the land of Egypt. When was the Great Pyramid built? Who was the builder? Why was it built? These are questions that continue to be debated by archaeologists, astronomers, other scientists, and historians.

As brought out by the author, there is evidence that the Great Pyramid also incorporates a prophetic time table for coming events, including the coming Tribulation and the return of Jesus Christ.

With words and pictures, Noah Hutchings takes the reader on an exciting tour of the Great Pyramid of Cheops, and many other wonders, including the Sphinx, Memphis, Sakkara, Luxor, and Karnak. Features: 171 pages.

I recalled that several years ago I had found that Charles Taze Russell, Knight's Templar and Freemason, founder of the Zion's Watchtower Bible and Tract Society / Jehovah's Witness cult, has written about this same heresy.


A Pyramid Scheme
How C.T. Russell's Great Pyramid Changed with the Times
by Eric Francke

Charles Taze Russell went to his grave believing that the Great Pyramid was the "Bible in Stone", built as witness to the chronologies he espoused. Regarding his shifting chronologies based on the Bible, most of us will grant that he had a change of opinion on certain verses, and adjusted his calculations based on his accumulated knowledge. The Great Pyramid, is a little different, however, since the stone passage ways do not generally grow or shrink at command. The only accounting of the changes one can give then, is that Russell was deliberately and knowingly fabricating numbers to support his theories.
In all fairness, he was not alone in the belief that the Great Pyramid was a witness by God to the truth of the Bible. A number of dispensationalist teachers, such as Clarence Larkin, were likewise committed to the idea. Larkin, however, who was a contemporary of Russell's and Smyth's, is quick to point out that if taken at face value, the measurements of the Great Pyramid at best would tell us that this dispensation should now be over. Larkin thus concludes that the "pyramid inch" as a unit of measure must be faulty. 5

Russell, however maintained the divine origin of the Great Pyramid, and taught it dogmatically. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, apparently endorsed the idea, even after Russell's death. There is perhaps no more telling a witness to this, than the following image, which is the monument to Russell at his grave that the Watchtower erected. [see photograph of Russell's pyramid tombstone here]

According to this writer, Noah Hutchings is also a proponent of "The Gospel in the Stars", occult, Kabbahlist, Ancient Mystery Religion, New Age heresy.

The "Gospel in the Stars"
(Or Astrology & Occultism?)
In actuality, it is a century-old "wind of doctrine" which seems to be gaining new popularity among many of today's Christians who feel a need to prove the veracity of the Gospel by some means outside God's Word. They attempt to glean diamonds of hidden truth from the gravel pit of occult theory. [Besides well-known "evangelical" D. James Kennedy <> who teaches this "Gospel in the Stars" folly, other lesser known promoters are Noah Hutchings, J.R. Church, John Barela, and David Webber, all currently or formerly of Southwest Radio Church, and Chuck Missler <>, [formerly of Calvary Chapel <> Costa Mesa.] Yet, not one shred of historical evidence can be offered in support of this theory. It is based not upon fact, but speculation. Seiss even admits in his book (p. 5) that the insights leading to his thesis came "in connection with [his] studies of the marvelous wisdom embodied in the Great Pyramid of Gizeh." Thereby, the alleged "Gospel in the Stars" is simply a "Christianized" interpretation of astrology and occultism, in the same class as pyramidology -- and equally dangerous.

All of this information together paints a very discomforting picture of all of the above. I have no idea how Gail Riplinger feels about Hutchings book, "The Great Pyramids, Prophecy in Stone", but it does appear that Gail has been affiliated with Hutchings and his SWRC for quite some time, and it seems it would be negligent of her not to know about Hutching's Great Pyramid book.

I have to wonder if Gail also believes that the Great Pyramids contain bible prophecy??

Thank you again for this information. I do understand that we learn new information during our research everyday. For myself, I can relate to that, and I do feel that your explanations above are sufficient. I can also see how this would be confusing to some, in light of what you have previously reported on your website, but as you say, research is an ongoing process, the deeper we dig, the more we learn, and sometimes we do have to go back and revise previous publications due to more indepth understanding.

I have discerned much from reading from your website over the years, Barbara. You have done some of the most excellent research and documentation of any writer I have found thus far. Finding your website was an eye-opening experiance for me, and I'm sure there are so many others who feel the same way. I do differ with you on the Pre-Trib Rapture issue, but I know you are a sincere and genuine Christian sister.

I appreciate the information that Lisa Ruby has published on her website, as well, and have also read from Lisa's website for quite sometime and found it to be very informative.

I have to say that it is disappointing to me that Lisa did not email Barbara directly to find out more about this matter of the NKJV, and get a better handle on Barbara's position and her current research into it.

I pray this matter will be resolved very soon.

Kelly, thank you very much for your program.

God Bless
7/5/2006, 12:26 pm  
Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Barbara Aho wrote:

Dear Friends,

"I will not strive with Lisa Ruby. We diverge at the very starting point of the Bible issue – the question as to which takes precedence, the Greek Received Text or the KJV derived from it."

Lisa Ruby wrote:

I do not want to strive either. I do not want to upset anyone here, but I must hold fast to his [the Lord Jesus Christ's] words until he comes.

According to the The New King James Version, the fact that I brought up this subject and some have become offended means that I should be rejected: "Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition," (Titus 3:10) NKJV.

My post about the King James Bible is divisive in the eyes of some here. The NKJV says that you must reject me on that basis--not on the basis of doctrine, but on the basis of whether I am divisive or not. This verse promotes the ecumenical one world church. Truth divides.

The King James Bible says, "A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;" Titus 3:10

A heretic is a "person who holds and avows religious opinions contrary to the doctrines of Scripture, the only rule of faith and practice." (Webster's 1828 dictionary)

A person can be divisive for a good reason (such as holding fast "the engrafted word which is able to save your souls" or a bad reason--for the purpose of stirring up strife.

The heretick must be rejected because he is anti-christ, or against the doctrines of the Lord Jesus Christ. A divisive man must be either accepted or rejected based upon whether or not he is submits to the doctrines of scripture.

Barbara Aho wrote:

"I hope Lisa realizes that in promoting Gail Riplinger, she is promoting a protégé of Peter Ruckman, the source of the false teaching that “the KJV corrects the Textus Receptus” where they differ."

Lisa Ruby wrote:

Indeed Peter Ruckman teaches falsely if he says the KJV corrects the Textus Receptus. (I am not referring to a Greek/English interlinear with corrupted definitions that an apostate devised.) Ruckman's statement (wittingly or unwittingly) serves to give KJV critics ammunition to discredit those who have faith that God has indeed preserved the Bible for us in English in the KJV.

Barbara Aho wrote:

In my defense of the KJV, I have not stated that it is infallible but I have stated our positon that the Textus Receptus which underlies it is inerrant.

Lisa Ruby wrote:

The new version promoters believe the Holy Bible is inerrant in the original languages. They do not believe that God has preserved the Holy Bible in English. You differ in that you qualify what you mean by the original languages--you mean the George Ricker Berry Greek/English interlinear.

 (Note: Thomas Newberry, the late Plymouth Brethren leader who authored the George Ricker Berry English Interlinear, did NOT regard the Textus Recpetus as the word of God.) See: The George Ricker Berry English Interlinear: Corrupt Foundation

The Holy Bible is inerrant in the Received Text. I believe that God has preserved the Bible perfectly in the English translation too. The ancient Koine Greek is not spoken now but English is--It is the international language. The real Holy Bible is available to us in English.

Barbara Aho wrote:

"This is the position of scores of King James Bible defenders – and those who maintain the KJV is more accurate than the Greek are a small minority of Ruckmanites."

Lisa Ruby wrote:

I do not follow Peter Ruckman but I know the King James is more accurate than corrupt lexicons and interlinears that are all based on the work of infidels. Flawed Greek/English interlinears are not more accurate than the King James bible. The King James is a perfect translation of the uncorrupted Received Text.

Barbara Aho wrote:

"To hold that the KJV has imperfect translations in places does not mean the KJV is not the Word of God, as the 1611 AV translators stated, “No cause therefore why the word translated should bee denied to be the word, or forbidden to be currant, notwithstanding that some imperfections and blemishes may be noted in the setting forth of it.”

Lisa Ruby wrote:

There were some imperfections and blemishes. There were typography problems, typos and misspellings because the English language had not yet been standardized.

Barbara Aho wrote:

"Let’s note that, whereas the KJV has “some imperfections and blemishes,” the modern versions are rotten to the core. I would rather have “imperfections and blemishes” than terminal cancer!"

Lisa Ruby wrote:

May I please remind the reader that Ms Aho believes that the King James Version is in error by using the preposition, "in" in reference to the mark of the beast being in the hand or the forehead. According to Designer Marks of the Beast, she believes the New King James Version's choice of the word "on" is the correct word to use in reference to the placement of mark of the beast.

If the King James Bible is in error here, this is no mere blemish. It is terminal cancer! The reason I say so is this: if the MOB is really "ON" rather than "IN", then the King James Bible will damn untold millions to the Lake of Fire. The difference between On or In will mean the difference between heaven and hell for multitudes.

Barbara Aho wrote:

"Jan Moser and I are researchers and, in our work, there are no sacred cows. (We do hold fast to the Textus Receptus and the fundamentals of the Christian faith, however.) We are always revising our theories and assumptions and our reports as we find new information. When we reach new conclusions, then we change our reports accordingly. We are now in the process of researching the New Testament of the NKJV and a private e-mail to that effect was posted without even asking me what I meant and then publicly misrepresenting this e-mail as Watch Unto Prayer’s secret endorsement of the entire NKJV, Old and New Testaments, which conflicts with other statements on our website. We never planned to research the NKJV Old Testament or to endorse the NKJV as a whole; however, we did intend to revise our old reports as soon as our comparison of the NKJV New Testament with the Textus Receptus was finished."

"This disclosure and misrepresentation of my private correspondence about our research project seems like an attempt to trap me in my words in order to discredit other positions we have taken which are not politically correct. At times I feel like I’m still in the Catholic Church, limited by the “Imprimatur” that little popes have stamped on the books and subjects the Christian is permitted to read or agree with – and the NKJV appears to be on the KJV-Only “List of Forbidden Books” along with, in Ruckmanite circles, Greek lexicons, interlinears and concordances."

Lisa Ruby wrote:

Greek lexicons, concordances and interlinears that are based on the definitions of liberals should not be used because they weaken God's people's faith regarding the soundness of the King James Bible. That is indeed the reason why some were written. One man used the Strong's concordance to 'prove' to me that morningstar is indeed lucifer. The Strong's actually increased his faith in his corrupt NIV 'version' of truth. (How can there be 'versions' of truth anyway?)

Barbara Aho wrote:

"Moreover, it is a “mortal sin” to question the party line set forth by the Christian Internet cabal and woe unto that researcher who departs from the official dogma of the thought police regarding the identity of Antichrist, the False Prophet, the Mark of the Beast or timing of the Rapture! Has it occurred to anyone besides us that the Synagogue of Satan is promoting an entire system of approved counterfeits so that Christians will not dare to look for any others???"

Lisa Ruby wrote:

Your last sentence in the above paragraph, "Has it occurred to anyone besides us that the Synagogue of Satan is promoting an entire system of approved counterfeits so that Christians will not dare to look for any others???" seems to indicate that you think the King James Bible is an another approved counterfeit by the Synagogue of Satan. Is this what you meant or did I misunderstand you?

Barbara Aho wrote:

"I hoped that some of our Watchmen would feel led to contribute to our research project, but now the intimidation card is being played to inhibit anyone from ever consulting a Greek Bible tool, much less opening a NKJV.

Lisa Ruby wrote:

The Bible says to "neither give place to the devil." The NKJV has a logo that belongs to the devilish New Age movement. It is not ungodly intimidation to inform God's people about the corrupted study tools that most pastors rely on--over and above the Bible itself. The church is becoming apostate because the men of God are learning, not from the Holy Bible, but from works of scholars who did not even believe the Bible is inspired by God.

[continued in next post]

Last edited by Lisa Ruby, 7/6/2006, 1:17 am

7/5/2006, 5:08 pm Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Barbara Aho wrote:

"Think about it. Could the Judeo-Masonic publishers have more effectively discredited the only two English New Testaments currently in use that are based on the Textus Receptus than by putting occult symbols on them and then spooking the Christians about these symbols? Case in point:

“Isn’t it awful that these Rosicrucians placed the revered Greek god Pan at the top of the 1611 KJV Genealogies page? Remember what they were attempting to accomplish: they were attempting to produce a Rosicrucian Bible which would reverberate with Satanic power every second of every day, a sacred book which would gradually move the peoples of the world into practicing that ‘Mystic Christianity; Rosicrucianism.” (David Bay)"

Lisa Ruby wrote:

The occult symbols on the pages of the King James Bible of 1611 are there because the printers used their regular plates to print the Holy Bible. Antique books are known to have these symbols on their pages.

The reason for the occult logo on the New King James cover is not the fault of the printer, but rather the decision of the publisher, Thomas Nelson to mark the book with New Age symbolism.

Barbara Aho wrote:

"I have a few comments to share about Gail Riplinger’s book which Lisa recommends and then I’ll withdraw from this forum since I’ve stated our position on the King James Bible and am really not prepared to say more about the NKJV."

God bless you,

7/6/2006, 12:57 am Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby
Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Barbara Aho wrote:

"In her book, "In Awe of Thy Word," Gail Riplinger warns against trusting Greek interlinears or lexicons to aid in understanding the Bible. She recommends instead that readers “gather insights about the subject from linguists who have already explored this vast and new scientific field of letter meanings.”

Actually Gail Riplinger recommends the safe way of arriving at meanings by letting the Bible define itself in context rather than trusting lexicons and interlinears that were based on the works of men who denied the Christian faith. [Her revelation of the liberal foundation the lexicons, concordances and interlinears are based upon is worth the price of the book, in my opinion. Pastors are feeding off of the labors of men who were far from being the friends of God.]

Barbara Aho wrote:

Who on earth explores “letter meanings”??? Kabbalists do! How do we know that these unsaved “linguists” are not also Kabbalists? We don’t.

In fact, Gail’s book seems to be a primer on Kabbalah, which is discovering the hidden meanings in the letters of words, in this case in the KJV. In her Appendix, which is a dictionary on the hidden meanings of each letter of the alphabet, Gail highly recommends Margaret Magnus’ book, "Gods of the Word: Archetypes in the Consonants," which avers that “gods” inhabit the letters of the alphabet:

“.the consonants and vowels do in fact have a meaning. The most fundamental aspect of that meaning is pure sound without any interpretation or symbolism. That pure sound is meaningful (and how!). But one step above that most fundamental and pure sound-meaning is the archetypal meaning. Since the consonants and vowels form the foundation of the word - not only of its sound, but also of its meaning, then we literally talk in terms of archetypes. Every word is a sound - a shruti note - on which are superimposed a collection of gods whose interaction forms the basis of the word.”

Gail hedges her recommendation of Kabbalists with a disclaimer, “…just because esoterics see in letters ‘gods’ that are not there, this should not deter true scriptural and scholarly investigation into the word of God.” (p. 1116)"

Lisa Ruby wrote:

I would not have recommended a book by kabbalists (and I have not read what she said about letter meanings in her lengthy book) but the fact that Gail Riplinger did this does not make the King James Bible a counterfeit that is promoted by the Synagogue of Satan. The King James Bible was the word of God in English long before Gail Riplinger was born. (See update regarding Riplinger's use of letter meanings in her book, In Awe of Thy Word)

Barbara Aho wrote:

In her book, Gail also seeks to legitimize Wycliffe’s English translation of the Roman Catholic Latin Vulgate as being a translation from the Traditional Text.

“The myth that the Wycliffe bible came from this ‘Latin Vulgate’ arose from the misleading statement – ‘made from the Latin Vulgate’ – added to the frontice page of an 1850 printed edition of Wycliffe’s Bible, edited by Frederic Madden and Josiah Forshall.”

This is easily proved to be a false statement. Here is a photo of an original edition of the Wycliffe translation with a title page stating that it was translated from the Latin Vulgate:



Lisa Ruby wrote:

Gail Riplinger is not a god to be followed and praised and unquestioned. She is an author who can and does make mistakes. I am glad the mistakes of men and women have nothing to do with the authority of God's word in English, the Holy King James Bible.

Barbara Aho wrote:

"Gail is a protégé of Peter Ruckman, who frequently makes statements such as the following in his books:

“Correct the Greek with the English. It is always the best policy; the one that God will bless. Feel free (with a clear conscience) in always correcting the Greek Receptus with the Holy Bible [meaning the King James].” ("How to Teach the ‘Original’ Greek," Pensacola: Bible Baptist Bookstore, 1992)

Lisa Ruby wrote:

Thank you for this quote. Now I can say with no hesitation that Peter Ruckman is a plant. A not-very-subtle one at that.

Barbara Cloud wrote:

David Cloud wrote of Gail Riplinger's many errors in "In Awe of Thy Word" and her Ruckmanite teaching that the “English KJV corrects the Greek Textus Receptus”.

Friday Church News Notes, August 12, 2005:

“Her newest book again contains many good things in defense of the KJV but it is interspersed with serious mistakes so that it is impossible to have confidence in her research or conclusions at any point. For example, in chapter 22 she claims that John Wycliffe did not use the Latin Vulgate as the basis for his translation but that he used Hebrew, Greek, and Old Latin sources. She says it is a “myth” to say that Wycliffe used the Latin Vulgate. As a matter of fact, a careful comparison of the Wycliffe Bible with the Latin Vulgate and the Old Latin demonstrates that Wycliffe consistently used the Vulgate, with only a very few exceptions. I have done extensive research into the textual basis of the Wycliffe New Testament and it contains most of the textual corruptions found in the Vulgate. For example, the Wycliffe Bible omits “for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever” in Mat. 6:13, “to repentance” in Mat. 9:13 and Mk. 2:17, “spoken by Daniel the prophet” in Mk. 13:14, “get thee behind me Satan” in Lk. 4:8, “the Lord” from 1 Cor. 15:47, “in Christ” in Gal. 3:17, and “God” in 1 Timothy 3:16, to mention only a few of its textual errors. In most of these instances, these things are omitted in the Wycliffe and the Latin Vulgate but are NOT omitted in the Old Latin, so that it is obvious that Wycliffe was indeed following the Vulgate rather than the Traditional Greek Text or the Old Latin. Mrs. Riplinger gives so much seeming documentation that the average reader is convinced that her scholarship is sound, not being in a position to see that she frequently misuses her quotes and reaches conclusions not supported by the facts given in the documents that she cites as her authority…

“She also is a true Ruckmanite, teaching that the English KJV is better than and has replaced the Greek and Hebrew, that there is no need today for learning or using Greek and Hebrew, and other such things. If her position were true we would not even have an English Bible because it was laboriously translated by men who learned Greek and Hebrew and diligently studied the Scriptures in those languages! There is a strange, almost cultic element within the Independent Baptist movement, and Mrs. Riplinger is right in the middle of it.” [end quote]

Lisa Ruby wrote:

Cloud's citations of Gail Riplinger's mistakes have nothing to do with whether the King James Bible is preserved perfectly by God or not. They do reveal that Gail Riplinger is not perfect. The Wycliffe Bible is not the issue anyway. The issue is whether the King James Bible is the word of God in English.

[continued in next post]

7/6/2006, 1:57 am Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby
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Re: Barbara Aho, Which Bible is Your Final Authority?

Barbara Aho wrote:

To show how frequently the Wycliffe translation agrees with the Alexandrian manuscripts and deviates from the Textus Receptus, we have prepared the following Tables of Comparison:

Gail Riplinger also promotes the Gothic Bible as being in the same line of Byzantine manuscripts as the Textus Receptus. The problem is that the Gothic Bible was translated by Ulfilas, an Arian missionary who brought the Arian heresy to Western Gaul in the 4th C., specifically the South of France where the Merovingian heresy had taken root. Arius was an arch heretic who taught that Jesus Christ was a created being.

In his book, "True or False?," David Otis Fuller discussed the Arianism of the Gothic bible:

The Gothic Version

“Modern scholars have been inclined to overestimate the value of the testimony of the ancient versions in this place (I Tim. 3:16). …the Syriac ‘Pesh-itta’…cannot lay claim to perfection. It was evidently influenced by Greek manuscripts like Codex D and the Latin versions, which have ‘which was manifested’, instead of ‘God was manifested’. The popularity of this reading in the Syriac could be explained by the Nestorian influence in the Syrian Church. Nestorius denied the union of two natures of God and man in the one Person of Christ. He was accused of teaching that there were two distinct persons, the Person of God the Son and the Person of the man Christ Jesus. This teaching was condemned by the Council of Ephesus in AD 431 at which Cyril of Alexandria presided. (Cyril himself witnesses in favour of ‘God’ in I Tim. 3:16)...

“Another ancient version likely to prefer the weaker rendering of this important verse was the Gothic translation by Ulphilas, who became Bishop of the Goths in AD 348. He was known to favour the heresy of Arius, who denied the preexistence of the Son of God, affirming that He was created by God and not of one substance with the Father.

“Existing manuscripts of the Gothic version indicate some measure of corruption from Latin sources. The Latin versions all have ‘which was manifested’. Finding this erroneous reading in the sources available to him, Ulphilas would have no difficulty in adopting it, but would be likely to welcome it as favourable to his Arian views.” (David Otis Fuller citing “God—Was Manifest in the Flesh... (I Tim. 3:16)” by Terence H. Brown, Secretary of Trinitarian Bible Society, pp. 33-34) [end quote]

The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition gives a similar profile of "Ulfilas":

“ULFILAS [Ulfilas] or Wulfila [Gothic,=little wolf], c.311-383, Gothic bishop, translator of the Bible into Gothic. He was converted to Christianity at Constantinople and was consecrated bishop (341) by the Arian bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia. Ulfilas then returned to the Visigoths as a missionary; it was partly as a result of Ulfilas's work that the Goths became and remained Arians for so long in the face of triumphant Catholicism. Of Ulfilas’s Bible only fragments remain—parts of Genesis, Nehemiah, most of the Gospels, and the whole of Second Corinthians, with several more fragments. Ulfilas is said to have invented the alphabet that he used.” (2006 Columbia University Press)

There are other serious problems with "In Awe of Thy Word," but two major issues are that Gail Riplinger is teaching Kabbalism and turning Christians away from acceptable and very useful Greek resources for Bible study and directing them to occult sources instead.

Barbara Aho

Lisa Ruby wrote:

Gail Riplinger recommended a book about letter meanings that could lead readers astray but she is not teaching the doctrines of the Kabbalah in order to defend the King James Bible. If she was, she would be knowingly serving the devil and linking the Holy King James Bible with evil.

I have never heard of letter meanings before but I do know that the enemy of our souls is a counterfeiter, not a creator. He imitates God. He attributes meaning to numbers because God does. Of this we are all aware.

[Lisa's note added July 24, 2009: Please see my warning about Gail Riplinger's book, In Awe of Thy Word. Mrs. Riplinger is teaching that English letters function as RUNES. Gail Riplinger has changed. Be very careful of her writings.]

Gail Riplinger's revelation of the foundation that concordances, lexicons and interlinears are based on will raise the ire of the religious establishment because is by their dubious authority that the gates of hell are prevailing against the church.

May the Holy Spirit lead us into all truth.
"Thy word is truth." (See Jn 17:17)

Lisa Ruby


Last edited by Lisa Ruby, 7/6/2006, 2:08 am

7/6/2006, 2:06 am Send Email to Lisa Ruby   Send PM to Lisa Ruby

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