The following comments
in blue are in response to the article, "Michelle's Messiah Complex" by Judy
McLeod. (
Praying with hands clasped
to form a circle is not found in the Bible. This practice, adopted by
churches around the world, comes directly from witchcraft. Below are
excerpts from the article, "Michelle’s Messiah Complex," which
indicate that
witches use prayer circles to contact evil spirits.
Michelle Obama sounded
very much like her husband’s good friend Oprah Winfrey when she spoke of
“keeping the spirits clean around us” on the Tom Joyner Morning Show
“It means all the world to us to know that there are prayer circles out
there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us,” said the
First Lady.
Michelle Obama
is sending the message that she is pleased that witches are forming prayer circles and calling
the evil spirits to do battle to further the goals of the Barack Obama
administration. The author of the article wants circle members to pray
to God:
Pray circle members pray to God.
I disagree.
Christians should not be pray in circles. Instead, pray that the saints of
God will pray to him and deliberately refrain from employing the
occult methodology of a prayer circle (clasping hands and forming a
circle to pray.) Christians must not copy witches, who pray for the purpose
of commanding evil spirits to enter the center of the circle to do their

Christians must reject the
witches use to do this very thing. Ask God if the imitation of the way
witches pray pleases him. In view of the fact that the purpose
of prayer circles is to command devils to enter the circle and carry out
the witches' assignments, I am sure his answer is "No."
It is the
practitioners of Wicca who ask to “keep the spirits clean around us” to
“the Goddess”.
Instructions about How to
Cleanse Your Spirit, according to eHow instruct followers to “visualize
the white light
of the
Goddess falling upon you” and to “softly say, `I release that which
attempts to hold me back, in the name of the Goddess’....allow the love
of the goddess to fill, protect and cleanse you.”
(Quoted from the
"Michelle’s Messiah Complex"
Michelle Obama's
remarks about prayer circles and "keeping the spirits clean around us" are
also used by practitioners of Voudon (Voodoo) or Santeria. Those who are
involved in Voudon/ Santeria witchcraft command much more powerful devils
than those involved in Wicca.
Acknowledgement: The
article, "Michelle’s Messiah Complex" was mentioned in the October 24, 2010 edition of End Time Current
Events by Dr. Scott Johnson.
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