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Charles Spurgeon: Prince of Pretenders

C. H. Spurgeon Marked His Sermons With  Luciferian Terms -- Page 6


(See Page 1 for Introduction)


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Sun of light and central Sun of light (Freemasonry, Golden Dawn, Kabbalah, Kundalini, Esotericism, Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "No parent, however prayerful, no teacher, however tearful, can make a child live unto God. “You has HE quickened,” is true of all who are quickened . It is a divine spark, a light from the great central Sun of light, the great Father of Lights. Is it so with us? Have we had a divine touch, a superhuman energy, a something which all the learning and all the wisdom and all the godliness of man could never work in us? Have we been quickened from above?" (1)

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: "Kingsford served a term as President of the London body of the Theosophical Society. Subsequently, she was the founder and head of the Hermetic Society, which was an instrumental forerunner of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. S.L. Mathers dedicated The Kabbalah Unveiled to Kingsford and Maitland, and W.W. Westcott eulogized her as “indeed illuminated by the Sun of Light” in a Golden Dawn history lecture." (2)

Kundalini: (caption for photo): "Sublimation, from The Crowning of Nature, 1718. My interpretation: the Sun of Light emerges from the fire of ouroboric transformation, the serpent-fire of kundalini, sublimed into the Solarization of consciousness (alchemical Solification) in the vacuum of the sealed mind." (3)

Esotericism: "For the infinite God is the life thereof, and joyfully serves this his own creation and formation, and dwells with such a soul as the central sun of light, life, power and glory." (3a)

Hinduism: Sadhu Vaswani said: "The outer, empiric self, with which most of us identify ourselves, is a speck of dust. The real self is ‘ Soham ’. It is divine, a ray from the central Sun of Light. Men wander in the quest outside themselves. They forget that He .. the Atman .. is within." (3b)


spiritual sight  (Theosophy, witchcraft)

Spurgeon: "In Holy Scripture faith is placed in opposition to the sight of the eyes and yet it is frequently described as looking and seeing. It is opposed to carnal sight because it is spiritual sight, a discernment which comes not of the body, but arises out of the strong belief of the soul, worked in us by the Holy Spirit." (4)

Theosophy: "Once Manas was awakened, the Third Eye – which in reality is the first eye – served as the organ of spiritual sight, untrammelled in its activity by the nascent physiological vesture. Its mirror in the physical body is the pineal gland, intuitively identified by Descartes as the seat of the soul." (5)

witchcraft: "For instance, if this is to be used as your guide on the spiritual path of knowledge and experiences; and your staff has an animal headpiece; you might ask the Great Spirits to give spiritual sight to your wolves eyes; or your hawks vision so that they might guide your steps upon your spiritual journey." (6)


divine consciousness (Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "Then will the soul, bowing again as reverently as before, enjoy a sacred liberty of intercession, for while humbled in the presence of the infinite God, it is yet sustained by the divine consciousness of being in the presence of mercy and of love in infinite degree. This is a state to which men reach after they have had their sins forgiven, after they have passed from death unto life, then they come to rejoice in God, and draw near to Him with confidence." (7)  

Hinduism: "Remember, the easiest way to realize God is to become His true devotee in thought and deed. Time and again, we have been told by all those who experienced divine consciousness, those Masters who continue to inspire us through their works and their words, that the only way to reach God is by keeping Him in your thoughts continuously and making Him the cause and the reason for all your activities and achievements." (8)


the divine purity (Zoroastrianism)

Spurgeon: "That divine nature as divine cannot be improved. The new principle which God implants in regeneration is as good as it can be. We are told it is a seed. That seed which cannot sin because it is born of God. The old nature cannot be good; the new nature cannot be bad . The new nature can by no means sin, for it is a spark of the divine purity." (9)

Zoroastrianism: "Out of the teaching of religious philosophy and of science there grew up the ethic which down to the present day is the glory of the Zoroastrian creed. A perfect practical purity is the key-note of that morality, purity in every action of the personal life, purity in every relation to external nature, honouring external elements as the manifestations of the divine purity, guarding, as it were, their spotless cleanliness as a homage to the Life wherefrom the whole proceeds." (10)


law of the universe (Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "If the Lord should forgive sinners without demanding a penalty, He would weaken the foundations of moral government. In his magisterial capacity the Judge of all the earth perceived that He could by no means spare the guilty. It would not have been an act of mercy to the race of men if God had winked at human sin in any case. It would have been in conflict with the fundamental law of the universe." (11)

Hindusim: "Socially, dharma is composed of all the moral rules and ethical codes, beliefs, concepts and theories that holds a society together . . . Dharma is a scheme of values and the Hindus believe that dharma is the law of the universe." (12)


first law of the universe (Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "The justice of God must strike the sinner, or One who is able and willing to suffer in the sinner’s place. It is imperative, as a first law of the universe, that sin cannot go unpunished." (13)

Hindu Swami: "The universe rearranges itself to bring you what you believe. AS ABOVE SO BELOW This is the first Law of the Universe. On Earth as it is in heaven. The Universe loves you and holds a vision of your future as an enlightened person no matter what mistakes you are making on Earth." (14)


the infinite God  (Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "GOD’S great design in all His works is the manifestation of His glory. Any aim less than this were unworthy of Himself. He cannot act for the good of His creatures as an ultimate aim, for that were for God to be impelled by a motive less great than His own nature. Since there can be nothing greater than the infinite, and there can be but one infinite—if the infinite God is moved by an infinite motive which is the only one worthy of Him, that motive must be found in His own glory." (15) 

Hinduism: "As we have our own soul, God is the Soul of the universe. This Soul is unlimited in its nature. The infinite character of God Almighty explains the reason why anything emanating from this infinite God cannot affect the infinite God. In fact, you cannot take away anything at all from the Infinite." (16)

the infinite One (title of Brahman --the highest god of Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "Jesus did not come to save sham sinners, but those that have committed real sin and ought to be ashamed of what they have done. Jesus died for the guilty. Do you think that the ransom paid in His blood on Calvary was for trifling offenses? No, verily, the infinite One died because enormous sin was to be put away. Believe, then, in a great Savior for great sinners!" (17)

Hinduism: "The Infinite Brahman has no limiting form, Hindus represent the Infinite One in numerous forms: male and female forms. These help Hindus to develop loving relationship with the Infinite God." (18)

Divine Being (Hinduism, Kabbalah)

Spurgeon: "No one who has less power than the Divine Preserver of men can keep us from falling. And none but the Divine Being who encompasses all things within the range of His infinite mind, can guard us against the many terrible perils on the way to heaven. If ever we are to be brought to glory, it must be by the God 'by whom are all things.' " (19)

Hinduism: "The general name for God in Hinduism is Brahman. The name of the divine essence within us is Atman. They are one and the same, infinite and eternal. However, God is also present in all creation. God's manifestation in creation goes by many names. It is the one infinite, eternal, Divine Being that is manifesting in countless ways." (20) 

Kabbalah: "Classical Kabbalah predominantly refers to G-od with its designated term “Ein Sof” (“No end”-Infinite), as this distinguishes between the Divine Being beyond description and manifestation, and Divine emanations within Creation, which become the descriptive concern of systemised Kabbalistic categorisation." (20a)

infinite Being (Hindusim,Theosophy)

"How acceptable is Christ to God? Must it not be an infinite acceptance? For it is an infinite Being infinitely accepting an infinitely holy and well-pleasing One, and then accepting us who are in Him with the same acceptance. Oh, how acceptable is every believer to the eternal Father in Christ Jesus!" (21)

Hinduism: "The Atman - Brahman state is the of the nature of infinite Being, infinite Consciousness, infinite Bliss (Sachchidananda). It is unitary, perfect, eternal, unchanging, and encompasses all opposites and all possibilities within itself. It is the Supreme Self (Paramatman) or One Consciousness within all beings; that Reality or I-ness or Awareness which remains in all possible states of consciousness and without which one would not exist." (22)

Theosophy: "That's what mysticism does. It liberates us from this way of defining and valuing ourselves. It enables us to experience that we are not merely finite beings with a very insecure hold on Being. It convinces us, and repositions us, with respect to Ultimate Reality. We discover, in a way we cannot doubt, that we are related to Infinite Being." (23)

divine essence (Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "Who can ever discover the attributes of God? Who can find out the Almighty to perfection? We are at a loss to estimate the very quality and properties of grace as it dwells in the mind of Deity! Love in the human heart is a passion. With God it is not so. Love is an attribute of the divine essence. God is love." (24)

Hinduism: "Brahman is the highest and most holy of all Hindu gods. He is the creator and origin of all things, and has no beginning and end. He is indescribable and blissfully immersed within himself. In fact, Brahman is considered the essence of the universe, its origin, and its entirety. Brahman is the unity of all things. Though some call Brahman a god, he/she occupies a position of far greater importance than most other Hindu gods. The goal of Hinduism, moksha, is to achieve unity with this divine essence, transcending the self." (25)   


the divine personality (Hinduism)

"This, according to our text, is worked entirely by divine power . It must be so, for how could the dead contribute to their own lives? How can bodies which have been dissolved in the sepulcher reconstruct themselves? Here you have in the text the divine personality asserting itself four times—“I will ransom them,” “I will redeem them,” “O death, I will be your plagues,” “O grave, I will be your destruction.” Here we have “I will” four times." (26)

Hinduism: "Vishnu…the name itself means all pervading…even the thousand-hooded serpent on which he reclines is called Ananta, the infinite…The divine personality with a thousand heads, a thousand eyes and a thousand feet…he encompasses the worlds…but transcends it says the Purusha Sookta…Yet, the infinitude becomes embodied in its divine descents to restore equilibrium in the world…Vishnu’s divine embodiments are called avataras." (27)


harmony with the universe (Theosophy, witchcraft, Kabbalah,  Hinduism, Daoism/Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Islam and more)

Spurgeon: “ 'Submit yourselves to God'—it is what angels do; it is what kings and prophets have done; it is what the best of men delight in—there is therefore no dishonor or sorrow in so doing! All nature is submissive to His laws; suns and stars yield to His commands! We shall but be in harmony with the universe in willingly bowing to His sway. “Submit yourselves to God”—you must do it whether you are willing to do so or not."  (28)

Theosophy: "The mission of human beings is to live in accord with the law of the universe by putting ethics into practice. The only real human progress worthy of the name is ethical: alleviating pain, hunger, poverty, and loneliness; moving toward increasingly sustainable harmony with the universe. Real progress means the expansion of love and harmony. " (29)


the divine (Kabbalah, Wicca/Witchcraft, Shamanism, etc.)

Spurgeon: "We begin as men, we end as angels! We climb until the promise of Satan is fulfilled in a sense in which he never understood it. We become as gods and are made partakers of the divine, being reconciled unto God and then having God’s grace infused into us!" (30)

Wicca: "We acknowledge the cycles of nature, the lunar phases and the seasons to celebrate our spirituality and to worship the divine." (31)

Witchcraft/Shamanism: Another way to increase your energies is to connect with the Divine and your personal Spirit Guides. You may want to conduct a ritual that will take on some of the aspects of your Spirit Animal Guide, or for facing an issue you and your Guides have been working on through meditations. (31a)


divine spark  (Magic/Wicca/witchcraft, Esotericism, Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Freemasonry, Roman Catholicism)

Spurgeon: "No parent, however prayerful, no teacher, how- ever tearful, can make a child live unto God. “You has HE quickened,” is true of all who are quickened. It is a divine spark, a light from the great central Sun of light, the great Father of Lights. Is it so with us? Have we had a divine touch, a superhuman energy, a something which all the learning and all the wisdom and all the godliness of man could never work in us? Have we been quickened from above?" (32) 

Order of the Golden Dawn magic: "The main purpose and objective of the Golden Dawn system of Magic is the emergence into full consciousness of the Divine Spark that lies within each of us, which is stifled by contemporary education and by life experience reliant exclusively on the senses. Magicians seek to complete their energetic evolution in their lifetime, described by the Golden Dawn as: 'To become more than human!' " (33)
Wicca: "The Pagan Christ points out the value of nature-based religions, and spirituality that honours the divine spark in every being (rather than, say, the deification of one man, at the expense of everyone else's divinity)." (34)

Esotericism: "There is a divine spark in the bosom of all men, and there only need be care and thoughtful avoidance of the things which appear hut [sic] are not in order that this precious germ take its natural God-given course alone the path whose goal is Absolute Perfection." (34a)

Gnosticism/Kabbalah: "However, a congress of such scholars, organized in 1966, to consider the origins of Gnosticism (the Congress of Messina) distinguished between "gnosis" in general as "knowledge of the divine mysteries reserved for an elite" and "Gnosticism" proper which is characterized by the notion that a divine spark has fallen into our world, is entrapped in the soul of man, and must be awakened by a divine aspect or counterpart of the self so that it can be raised and reintegrated with the divine sphere." (34b)

Freemasonry: "Each of Freemasonry's three degrees takes the candidate through a journey steeped in history, symbolism, and allegory to teach him lessons of how to raise his divine spark, realize his relationship to a higher power (God, Grand Architect, Supreme Being, etc) and live a life of moral rectitude." (34c)

Roman Catholicism: "At every moment of our lives, we are called to foster this divine spark, present in the heart of every man and woman, and thus contribute to the growth of a humanity inspired by love and mutual acceptance." (34d)

pure spirits (Kabbalah,Theosophy)

Spurgeon says pure spirits are the risen bodies of the saints: "I have scarcely skirted the subject even now, and time is failing me. I want you to reflect that Jesus will be glorified in the risen bodies of all His saints. Now, in heaven they are pure spirits, but when He shall come, they shall be clothed again. Poor body, you must sleep awhile, but what you shall be at your awaking does not yet appear. You are now the shrive led seed, but there is a flower to come of you which shall be lovely beyond all thought." (35)

Spurgeon says pure spirits are angels: "Doubtless, the angels also take an interest in the gospel because they are full of love. Those pure spirits love as surely as they live; and not only d o they love their God, and love one another, but they also love us who were made a little lower than the angels. They have a great affection for us—very much more, I imagine, than we have for them. We are their younger brothers, as it were, and we are, by reason of our flesh and blood, linked to materialism, while they are pure spirits; yet they do not envy us the love of God, neither do they despise us on account of our faults and follies; though, I think, they must often wonder at us." (36)

Kabbalah/Cabala: "By the breath of his mouth were made all their hosts.'" These angels consist of two kinds, good and bad; they have their respective princes, and occupy the three habitable worlds in the following order. As has already been remarked, the first world, or the Archetypal Man, in whose image everything is formed, is occupied by no one else. The angel Metatron occupies the second or the Briatic World, which is the first habitable world; he alone constitutes the world of pure spirits. He is the garment of the visible manifestation of the Deity; his name is numerically equivalent to that of the Lord." (37)

Theosophy: "An adept who prepared to converse with the "invisibles," had to know his ritual well, and be perfectly acquainted with the conditions required for the perfect equilibrium of the four elements in the astral light. First of all, he must purify the essence, and within the circle in which he sought to attract the pure spirits, equilibrize the elements, so as to prevent the ingress of the Elementals into their respective spheres." (38)


divine Light (witchcraft)

Spurgeon: "Men and women too, among you have chosen the lusts of the flesh, and ungodly gain, or drunkenness, when you know better, know much better! Some of you have had a degree of divine Light shed across your souls, and yet you have deliberately chosen to rebel against God!" (39)

witchcraft: "The Divine Light Invocation is exactly that: invoking the Light of the Divine. It corresponds to the Wiccan rituals of Drawing Down the Moon. Yet it is even more focused and channeled than most forms, and the Power of it is astonishing. The Moon with Her silver white Light symbolises the Divine Light, to Witches. This is the Light that's worshipped in every religion." (40) 

the divine essence (Theosophy, Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "Who can ever discover the attributes of God? Who can find out the Almighty to perfection? We are at a loss to estimate the very quality and properties of grace as it dwells in the mind of Deity! Love in the human heart is a passion. With God it is not so. Love is an attribute of the divine essence." (41)

Theosophy: "The constitution of the sun, just like that of a man, is built of monads, of atom-souls, which are pilgrims on the pathways of the spaces of Space, each one at its heart a god. Consequently, when our sun in distant cosmic times shall have become something still more wondrous, the atom-souls and monads which make up its vehicles now — and which form in part even the physical splendor that we see — will have become suns. Our present sun by then will be the divine essence infilling a galactic universe; and its atom-souls, and the younger gods and spiritual beings now belonging to and surrounding it, will be scattered through that universe as stars and suns, nebulae and planets." (42)

Hinduism: "There is one supreme, impersonal reality called Brahman.  Brahman is the source of all things, but is not a personal creator. Brahman is, rather, the divine essence of all that exists." (43)


mind of Deity (Theosophy)

Spurgeon: "Who can ever discover the attributes of God? Who can find out the Almighty to perfection? We are at a loss to estimate the very quality and properties of grace as it dwells in the mind of Deity! Love in the human heart is a passion. With God it is not so. Love is an attribute of the divine essence." (44)

Theosophy: "The Deity conceives in its mind a world by reflecting itself therein. Deity is the creator; its mind is the retainer, sustainer, preserver, of ideas or archetypes which are objective (or a world) to their creator. This mind of Deity which holds in its embrace the ideas is the first Mother — the primal womb, in which the Father begets the Son — the world." (45) 


the Three-in-One God (Left-hand path occultism)

Spurgeon: "Now may the Three-in-One God dismiss you with His blessing." (46)

Sect of the Horned God: "Atman, one of the most basic concepts in Hinduism, is the universal Self, identical with the eternal core of the personality. Atman is you, for in the early Vedas (holy Hindu writings) it occurred mostly as a pronoun meaning “oneself”. So atman is that which is then “deified” at the end of the LHP. Brahman, on the other hand, is the Absolute. Brahman underlies the workings of the universe, and atman is part of the universal Brahman. Brahman, in Vedic philosophy, is the “World Soul” and is regarded as being the Three-in-One God” known as the Trimurti. This consists of Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer, all manifestations, or personifications, of Brahman." (47)


the Three in One (Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "We are to speak of Him as, “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty”; and we may pronounce the blessing upon the people in the name of Jehovah Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, still knowing that there is but one who has solemnly said at the close of the blessing, “They shall put My name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.” Let the sacredness of that name and its being mentioned in this way confirm your belief of the inscrutable mystery of the Three in One." (48)

Hinduism: "9 The Trimurti, of course, is in its formation older than Christianity, as its tentative beginnings revert to the UpaDishad period; but the completed doctrine, the idea of the Three in One, like the name Trimurti, is also later than our era. First, three or more gods are forms of the One." (49) 


the Eternal Jehovah (Rosicrucianism)

Spurgeon: "But, just now, it is enough for my purpose to merely mention that a part of the power of our Savior’s name lies, first, in His personal title and office—Jesus, the Savior—and, next, in the character which has been bestowed upon Him as God’s Anointed Representative, doing all that He does with the authority of the Eternal Jehovah, and speaks to men as the fully-qualified Messenger of the Most High—Jesus, the Christ—the Anointed Savior!" (50)

Rosicrucianism: "One alternative version was as follows and was taken on the Gospel according to St. John : I, N. N., of my own free will and accord, after due and mature consideration, do vow hereby and hereon to worship the Eternal Jehovah from this day forward, even to my life's end, in spirit and in truth; so far as in me lies, to seek out the Wisdom of God Almighty in Nature; to forego the vanities of this world; to strive for the welfare of my Brethren ; to love them ; to aid them in their necessity with my counsel and consolation ; and finally, to maintain inviolable secrecy." (51)


the infinite Mind (Theosophy, Freemasonry)

Spurgeon: “ 'The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they were not willing to come. Again, he sent out other servants, saying, Tell them who are invited, see, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and my fatted cattle are killed, and all th ings are ready. Come to the wedding.' Matthew 22:2, 3, 4. IF God grants me strength I hope to go through this parable, but at the present we shall confine our thoughts to the opening scene of the royal festival . Before, however, we proceed further, it is most fitting that we give expression to our deep gratitude, that it has pleased the infinite Mind to stoop to our narrow capacities, and instruct us by parable." (52)

Theosophy: "So far as we know, so far as the highest Planetary Spirits have ascertained, the infinite mind displays to them as to us no more than the regular unconscious throbbings of the eternal and universal pulse of Nature, throughout the myriads of worlds within as without the primitive veil of our solar system." (53)

Freemasonry: "While yet the first oaks still put forth their leaves, man lost the perfect knowledge of the One True God, the Ancient Absolute Existence, the Infinite Mind and Supreme Intelligence; and floated helplessly out upon the shoreless ocean of conjecture. Then the soul vexed itself with seeking to learn whether the material Universe was a mere chance combination of atoms, or the work of Infinite, Uncreated Wisdom: whether the Deity was a concentrated, and the Universe an extended immateriality; or whether He was a personal existence, an Omnipotent, Eternal, Supreme Essence, regulating matter at will; or subjecting it to unchangeable laws throughout eternity; and to Whom, Himself Infinite and Eternal, Space and Time are unknown." (54)


energy of the divine spirit  (witchcraft, Karma/Hinduism)

Spurgeon: "CHILDREN are expected to bear some likeness to thei r parents. Children of God, born of the grandest of all parents, regenerated by the almighty energy of the divine Spirit, are sure to bear a high d egree of likeness to their heavenly Father. We cannot be like God in many of His divine attributes, for they are unique and incommunicable—it is not possible for us to wield His power, or to possess His infinite knowledge—neither can we be independent and self-existent, or possessors of sovereignty or worshipfulness." (55)

Reiki witchcraft: "The crown chakra directs the energy of a certain part of yourself which is commonly called the Higher Self and embraces you within its protective light making you feel secure and healthy. You will be open to accepting love and wisdom from your higher self and you will be filled with the energy of the divine spirit. The spirit will guide you and inspire you with all the things you should do. A balanced crown chakra will keep you spiritually connected with the spirit." (56)

Karma/Hinduism: You dissolve karma by using a transformational method. All transformational methods work by drawing down the energy of the Divine Spirit to burn away karma at each of these levels by vaporizing the karmic seed.  (56a)

divine spirits (Witchcraft/Magick, Theosophy, Kabbalah)

Spurgeon: "That vision which Jacob saw, in which the angels of God were ascending and descending upon the ladder, pictures to us the contemplations of divine spirits who are ascending and descending in meditation upon Jesus; studying the glories of the incarnate God—His descending into the tomb, and His triumphant ascent to His Father’s throne." (57)

Witchcraft/Magick: Theurgy: Magick involving the use of divine spirits and oneness or closeness with one's God or Deities. (58)

Theosophy: "These are, properly, the disembodied Souls of the depraved; these Souls having at some time prior to death separated themselves from their divine Spirits, and so lost their chance of immortality. Eliphas Levi and some other Kabalists make little, if any, distinction between Elementary Spirits who have been men, and those beings which people the elements, and are the blind forces of nature." (59)


Lord of the world (Sanat Kumara—Satan. Known to Theosophists as savior of Earth)

Spurgeon: "Death swayed his scepter over all the bodies of men, but Christ has opened the gate of resurrection for His redeemed, and in that day when He shall put the trumpet to His lips and blow the resurrection blast, then shall it be seen how Christ is universal monarch over all the domains of death—for as the Lord, our Savior rose—so all His followers must. And then again, Christ is not only Lord of the world, King of sin and King of death, but He is King of Satan, too!" (60)

Sanat Kumara in Theosophy: "Sanat Kumara was mentioned briefly by the theosophist Helena Blavatsky. She claimed he belonged to a group of beings, the "Lords of the Flame", whom Christian tradition have misunderstood as Lucifer and the fallen angels. Sanat Kumara gained greater prominence when Blavatsky's close-friend and colleague Charles W. Leadbeater wrote that Sanat Kumara was the "King" or Lord of the World, and the head of the Great White Brotherhood of Mahatmas who had revealed the principles of theosophy." (61)

"Sanat Kumara is regarded as the great guru, saviour of Earth." (61a)



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Also see:  Charles Spurgeon: Prince of Pretenders Index of Articles

Charles Spurgeon Posed With the Vulcan Hand Sign

Freemasons at Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for Metropolitan Tabernacle

Photos of Charles Spurgeon's Ancient Mystery Religion of Lucifer Hand Signal: The Lion's Paw

Susannah Spurgeon Posed With the Inverted V Sign Occult Hand Signal



Most of the urls are to occult websites and are intended for documentation only.

1. Life From the Dead

4. The Best of All Sights
5. Spiritual Perception spiritual-perception#.W1LiJsInYxE
6. Tools; Magick Staff
8. How to Cultivate a God Centered Mind
9. Perfect Cleansing
10. ZOROASTRIANISM by Annie Besant
11. The Father's Love to His Dying Son
12. Core Values of Hinduism
13. Three Texts, but One Subject --Faith
14. All Laws and Principles Governing Life principles-governing life.html
15. Direction in Dilemma
16. The Concept Of Infinity In Sanatan Dharma in-sanatan-dharma/
17. God Forgiving Sin
18. The Practice of Hinduism
19. The Captain of our Salvation
20. Hinduism: Basic Beliefs
21. Accepted of the Great Father
22. The Atman -- The Supreme Self
23. Mysticism, Self-Discovery and Social Transformation
24. The Treasure of Grace
25. A Brief Introduction to Hinduism: Brahman
26. Consolation From Resurrection
27. Many Gods and Goddesses of India india
28. Unconditional Surrender
29. From the book, Practical Ethics for our Time
30. The Beginning, Increase, and End of the Divine Life
31a. Witchcraft and Shamanism
32. Life From the Dead
33. Core Golden Dawn 1: "What is the Purpose of Golden Dawn

34c. Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools and Freemasonry
35. Jesus Admired in Them That Believe
36. Angelic Interest in the Gospel
37. The Cabala or Kabbalah[A].htm
38. Elementals H.P. Blavatsky
39. Deep Calls Unto Deep
41. The Treasure of Grace #295
43.A Summary of Some Beliefs in Hinduism
44. The Treasure of Grace #295
45. Studies in the Secret Doctrine Books 1 & 2
48. The Blessing of the High Priest
49. The Hindu Trinity
50. The Power of Christ's name
51. The Rosy and Golden Cross
52. Parable of the Wedding Feast
53. Theosoph, An Introduction by H.P. Blavatsky pg. 66
54. The Meaning of Masonry by Albert Pike
57. The Angelic Life #842
58.The Dictionary of Wicca, Witchcraft and Magick

59. Elementals by H.P. Blavatsky 60. The Savior's Many Crowns

61. Sanat Kumara - Lord of the World - Lord or Regent of Earth and of the Humanity
61a. ibid.


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