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the Spirit of fire
(SATAN) Found in Witchcraft, Freemasonry, Theosophy, Hinduism, Kundalini,
Shamanism, the Kabbalah, etc.
Spurgeon: "The low estate of the Church, is that to be laid
at God’s door? It is true that the Church is not as full of life and energy
and power and spirituality and holiness as she was in her first days, and
therefore some insinuate that the gospel is an antique and an effete thing;
in other words, that the Spirit of God is not so mighty as in past ages. To
which the answer is, “Is the Spirit of the Lord straitened? Are these His
doings?” If we are lukewarm, is that the fault of the Spirit of fire?"
Counterfeit Holy Spirit: "Rodney brown yells “the fire, the
fire” as he imparts a fire power to others. Many others do the same. Steve
Hill charging through the crowd screams: “Fire--Fire--Fire--Fire!”
Steve Hill uses the mantra technique, repeating “More, Lord!” and “Fire!
Fire! Fire!” To pass on the spirit at the Brownsville “revival.” He then
transfers by “touch” this “spirit of fire” to someone else." (1a)
Freemasonry: "Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Mason, K.T., in his
book, Initiates of the Flame boldly admits Freemasonry is from Hell; "Those
who follow the path of faith (or the heart) use water and are known as the
Sons of Seth, while those who follow the path of the mind and action are the
Sons of Cain, who was the son of SAMAEL , the Spirit of Fire.
Today, we find the latter among the alchemists, the Hermetic philosophers,
the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons." [p. 20]" (2)
Regarding SAMAEL (the Spirit of fire) Dr. Cathy Burns
added: "What is so amazing to me is that Blavatsky explains just who Samael
is. She notes that “in the Kabala SAMAEL ...IS SATAN....”
So, according to Hall, the Masons, alchemists, and Rosicrucians are sons of
Satan!! Masonic & Occult Symbols Illustrated pg. 191 —by Dr. Cathy
"Be sure that you close a circle around you, as you’ll be invocating
spirit of fire. Doing so is rather easy, but you need to do it
Hinduism: The spirit of Fire (or Heat),
which stirs up, fructifies, and develops into concrete form everything (from
its ideal prototype), which is born of WATER or primordial Earth, evolved
Brahma -- with the Hindus. (2b)
Shamanism: "Long ago, Shamans with
mastery of fire could embody the spirit of fire. During rituals, these
shamans rleased flames from their mouths, noses, or whole bodies." (2c)
Kabbalah: "In his Kabbalah (pg.
385), Gershom Scholem brings a number of sources that state Satan and Samael
[the Spirit of fire] are one and the same, together with
another figure called Beliar, or Belial." (2d)
Spirit of light
(Freemasonry, Theosophy, Divination/Necromancy,
Spiritualism, Witchcraft, Gnosticism, Catholicism, Seventh Day Adventism)
Spurgeon: "The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of peace. He gives
us peace. He is the Spirit of holiness and sanctification—rather, He is the Spirit of light—He kindles light in our souls. He is a sacred fire."
Freemasonry: "The Seven Good Agents
or Spirits are Faith, Hope, Charity, Justice, Toleration, Intelligence and
Truth, subject to and under the control of the Spirit of Light or Masonry."
"The Pymander instructed
Hermes Trismegistus that "God is not Light but the Cause of Light." The
Algonquians carried this idea one step further in speaking of the Great
Spirit whose potency is the breath of life and whose descent is "the light
which reveals creation". As the Spirit of Light He
shows himself in the visible sun which is "the eye of the Great Spirit.' " (4)
"When the evoked spirit of light
manifests with dejected or irritated countenance, we must offer him a moral
sacrifice, that is, be inwardly disposed to renounce whatever offends him;
and before leaving the oratory, we must dismiss him, saying: 'May peace be
with thee! I have not wished to trouble thee; do thou torment me not. I
shall labour to improve myself as to anything that vexes thee. I pray, and
will still pray, with thee and for thee. Pray thou also both with and for
me, and return to thy great slumber, expecting that day when we shall wake
together. Silence and adieu!"' (4a)
Spiritualism: "Our
Father, infinite Spirit of light
and of love, whose name we
call God, but whose wondrous power, whose ineffable
filleth every atom of the universe : thou wonderful, thou
source ot light and love, we praise Thee." (4b)
Witchcraft: (Activating the pentagram
ritual): "During the activating ritual next corner is the corner of
coins/pentacles, light a candle and call upon Spirit of Earth, after that
Spirit of Light, Spirit of Fire and finally The Spirit of
Air and back to the Spirit of Water saying: "My pentagram us now open" (4c)
Gnosticism: "According to the Hindus,
the Deity in the shape of Æther pervades all things. It is the invisible,
but, as we have said before, too tangible Fluid. Among other names this
universal Proteus--or "the nebulous Almighty," as de Mirville calls it in
derision--was termed by the theurgists "the living fire," the "Spirit
of Light," and Magnes." (4d)
Catholicism: "Only one thing is important — eternal
salvation. Only one thing, therefore, is to be feared – sin. Sin is the
result of ignorance, weakness, and indifference. The Holy Spirit is the
Spirit of Light, of Strength, and of Love." (4dd)
Seventh Day Adventism (Ellen G. White): "The
world is to see God in His followers. Life
and immortality are brought to light
through those who are one with God in Christ. It is
our privilege to have the spirit of
and knowledge that is the wisdom of heaven. " (4ddd)
the Spirit of light and fire
(New Agers raise the power of "the Spirit of
light and fire to "ascend")
Spurgeon: "He that professes to be a
believer, while he has never received the truth in the power of it, as sent
home by the Spirit of light and fire, has need to begin
again, and learn the first rudiments of the faith." (4e)
New Agers seeking ascension: "I AM the
raising power of the Spirit of light and fire which lifts
me to the victory of my ascension and is the full-gathered momentum of
victory of the saints and ascended beings of all ages to ascend back to the
very heart of God and the immortal consciousness thereof. So help me, God!*"
divine substance (Kabbalah)
"Oh, that we more often remembered the distinction of the Divine Persons
without dividing the divine substance! It becomes instructed believers to
remember that one blessing comes from the Father, another blessing from the
Son, and a third blessing through the Holy Spirit. There are times when it
would seem as if the one blessing must come through the three Divine
Persons, that there must be a manifestation of the whole Trinity to produce
the result."
"In the Sepher Jezireh,
the Kabalistic Book of Creation, the author has evidently repeated the words
of Manu. In it, the Divine Substance is represented as having alone existed
from the eternity, boundless and absolute; and as having emitted from itself
the Spirit.* “One is the Spirit of the living God, blessed be Its name,
which liveth for ever! Voice, Spirit, and Word, this is the Holy Spirit;Ӡ
and this is the Kabalistic abstract Trinity, so unceremoniously
anthropomorphised by the Christian Fathers." (6)
seven heavens
(Ancient Babylon Mythology)
"What will
be the joys of heaven when we shall meet those who were turned to
righteousness by our holding forth the word of life! Our heaven will be
seven heavens as we see them there."
Ancient Babylon:
"The mythology of seven
heavens is ancient — at least as old as ancient Babylonia. Originally, the
number may have been taken from the celestial bodies that are nearest to
earth, including those planets visible to the naked eye: the moon, Mercury,
Venus, Mars, the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn. In later mythologies, the heavens
seem to represent different levels of paradise for those humans who have
reached ever-increasing levels of piety. The idea of there being seven
heavens is not universal, of course; the Maori have between two and fourteen
heavens; Polynesians have nine. And some cultures that started with seven
later expanded.
Sacred Three (Theosophy)
"Brethren, did Christ die for you? Yes or no? If He
did, then, in the name of common honesty, live unto Him, for you cannot be
your own—He has bought you with a price. When you were baptized in the name
of The Sacred Three, did you mean it?"
Theosophy: "When
thou hast passed into the seventh, O happy one, thou shalt perceive no more the sacred three, for thou shalt have become that three thyself. Thyself and
mind, like twins upon a line, the star which is thy goal, burns overhead.
The three that dwell in glory and in bliss ineffable, now in the world of
Mâyâ have lost their names. They have become one star, the fire that burns
but scorches not, that fire which is the Upâdhi of the Flame." (10)
flaming ones
"We have still not exhausted the occupations of the
angels. These which I have already mentioned are rather
contemplative—worship, song, study, and beatific vision; but the
ones above have occupations which are connected with earth. For
instance, they feel sympathetic joy." (11)
"Demons who belonged to
certain orders often specialize in certain abilities and powers. In my own
experiences, I have found our Personal/Guardian Demons are the ones we go to
for nearly all of our needs, even those outside of their offices. Sometimes,
our Guardian Demons will seek assistance from other Demons for us. Also, if
we work hard for and are dedicated to Satan, Demons can come to us on their
own, offering their help in times of trouble. This has happened to me. Here
is some info on the hierarchies and powers: The Order of The Powers, also
known as The Seraphim; Flaming Ones, specialize in
revenge/justice issues and the defeating of one's enemies, the teaching of
astrology, the healing arts and divination. They specialize in guarding
things and in defense, both here and on the astral. They are of the element
of fire." (12)
secret fire
"Even the Jews judged Him
to be near to fifty when He was scarcely thirty years of age, so worn and
haggard did He look, that “Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief.” He
smiled and He cheered others. He wore a cheerful countenance among the sons
of men, that He might not make those who saw Him, sorrowful, and deep down
in His heart there glowed a secret fire, a wondrous joy that He was
redeeming His own chosen."
"Once the heart has
discovered within itself its own secret fire, it can, through various forms
of daily meditation and oblation, activate that fire. Whether one calls this
the fire of devotion, of tapas, of wisdom or truth, these are only different
aspects of that which is ultimately the fire of the Mysteries." (14)
active energy
(Freemasonry, witchcraft, Kabbalah, Kundalini,
Theosophy, Voodoo, Rosicrucianism, Santeria, sex
magic/tantra, Kundalini/yoga, acupuncture, karate, vibrational medicine,
channeling, energy healing, Reiki, chi/qui, yin/yang, etc.)
There is ample evidence that
the term, "active energy"—in reference to supernatural power—is the power
of Satan.
Spurgeon: "God is near each one of us, observing us with exactness,
perceiving the secret intents of our hearts. He is near us, feeling for us,
and thinking of us. He is near us in active energy, ready to interpose and
help us." (15)
Freemasonry: "Every Mason
knows that a broken vow brings with it a terrible penalty. Let him also
realize that failure to live mentally, spiritually, and morally up to one's
highest ideals constitutes the greatest of all broken oaths. When a Mason
swears that he will devote his life to the building of his Father's house
and then defiles his living temple through the perversion of mental power,
emotional force, and active energy, he is breaking a vow which imposes not
hours but ages of misery." (16)
witchcraft: Wands are usually wood
and come from living trees. As such, they preserve some of the dryad spirit
of the tree, and this active energy or personality aids the witches own will
on the trans-material planes. (16a)
Kundalini/yoga: This dormant
energy is called kundalini shakti, and the relatively small amount of active
energy is called prana. Yogis of both paths use their active energy
to try to awaken their dormant energy. Yogis of both paths have a positive
view of the world—they view it as a manifestation of the divine force. (16b)
All-seeing eye
Freemasonry, Symbol of Satan (Spurgeon also
used the Masonic terms: Eye of God and Eye of Providence)
Also see: Charles Spurgeon's
God of the All-Seeing Eye
"If, then, the all-seeing eye of God takes in at one glance the wide
regions of death—and wide they are, wide enough to startle any man who shall
try to range them through—if, I say, with one glance God seeth death and
seeth hell through, with all its bottomless depths, with all its
boundlessness of misery, surely, then, he is quite able to behold all the
actions of the little thing called man's heart."
"The Blazing Star
(Pentagram) has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the
Eye, which to the Egyptian Initiates was the emblem of Osiris, the Creator."
Symbol of Satan:
"The Eye of Horus was a powerful protection symbol from Ancient Egypt. It is
also known as the Wedjat .The Eye of Horus was a sacred symbol said to
protect anything behind it. It is the “All seeing Eye”. It is a symbol of
great god power. [Horus is Satan.]"
divine memory
(also divine thought, divine decree, divine heart)
Spurgeon: "Thus God has enrolled the names of His people. They are
written—where? In the earth? No, the wicked are written in the earth, but
the names of the Lord’s people are written in heaven. In the
decree that never changes, in the divine heart
that never alters, in the divine memory that never fails,
in the divine thought that never forgets, all the names of
the godly are written." (20)
Theosophy: "In essence this memory of
Nature must be the Divine Memory, far away beyond human reach ; but it is
assuredly reflected into lower planes so that, as far as events on these
lower planes are concerned, it is recoverable by the trained intelligence of
man!" (21)
All-Seeing One
"Happy is the man, having seen this same Jesus appointed to be the prophet of
His people, delights to sit at His feet and receive of His words, reason,
affection, contemplation, and will—finding perfect rest in Him. He, with his
eyes open, follows the All-Seeing One and with his mind illuminated, becomes
a disciple of the Eternal Light."
Freemasonry: "To this
All-Seeing One he is accountable; to none other must he account. This Spirit
passes with. him out of the Lodge and measures the Mason in the world."
as above, so below
(Theosophy, witchcraft)
"Higher than the heavens is the
Most High, and so high ought our praises to rise. Above even the power of
cherubim and seraphim to express it, the glory of God is revealed and is to
be acknowledged by us. Let thy glory be above all the earth..
As above, so
below, let thy praises, O thou great Jehovah, be universally proclaimed. As
the air surrounds all nature, so let thy praises gird the earth with a zone
of song."
Theosophy: (Helena
Blavatsky):"As above, so below"; harmony is the great law of nature. (IUi330)
Such are the questions often put to us, and they have to be considered from
every aspect. To the first of the two queries the answer is: — We believe it
because the first law in nature is uniformity in diversity, and the second —
analogy. "As above, so below." (SDii699) "As above so below"; this apparent
dualism is quite in keeping with all esoteric systems. — "Daemon est Deus
inversus." (25)
What does "Daemon est Deus
inversus." mean? "Daemon Est Deus Inversus (Latin) Daemon
is divinity inverted; more commonly, the Devil is God inverted. An ancient
Hermetic, and later Qabbalistic, aphorism referring to that polar power
which is required by the equilibrium and harmony in nature.
The One,
when manifested, becomes Two, and from the Two are unfolded or evolved all
the sequence of manifest existence." (25a)
“As Above So Below, As Within So Without, As The Universe So the Soul” …This
Saying originates from the old Hermetic Axiom,” As above, So below, As
below, So above” and is credited to the Thrice Great Hermes Trimegistus, and
is a quote from the Emerald Tablets & Kybalion. (25b)
divine order
"He seems to mean again, “Charm me with the beauties of
holiness; let me so see the example of Your dear Son, that I may be
fascinated by it, and compelled to do as He did by the
divine order and
behest of His example.” (26)
"Another has said:
"Freemasonry is an institution founded on eternal reason and truth, whose
deep basis is the civilization of mankind, and whose everlasting glory is
supported by those two mighty pillars - Science and Morality." "A beautiful
system of morality, veiled to allegory and illustrated by symbols." But, my
brethren, is it not something more; is it not, in the true and comprehensive
sense of the term, a religious institution, resting upon the Holy Writings
and the Divine Order of things?"
communicate energy
(New Age, Occult)
"There must be
actual strength and energy imparted to a swooning soul, and, glory be to
God, by His own Holy Spirit, Jesus can and does
communicate energy to His people in the time of weakness!
He has come that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly."
"The true Observer is a fair witness without prejudice for or
against any culture, religion, race or gender. "Their objective is to see
clearly through all events, through space and time by means of the
cultivation and use of the intuition." They
communicate energy between the
plane of intuition "which is the plane of illumination and pure reason" and
'the plane of illusion and glamour, which is the astral plane.' "
energy (Kundalini)
"I have now given you two meanings for the phrase, to seek the Lord
with all our heart—it indicates an undivided objective and the entireness of
our faculties in the search. But,
thirdly, it signifies, mainly,
energy. “When you shall search for Me with all your heart you shall find
Me.” It includes the getting out of that dull, sluggish, indifferent spirit
which seems so common." (30)
The Power of Kundalini:
"Kundalini arises in
response both to energetic shifts in the body and to a deep longing of the
spirit or consciousness to know Truth or God or simply to end personal
suffering. It cannot be forced or passed on by someone else, except in rare
cases where the individual is very ripe for awakening. But energy processes,
yoga, Qigong, meditation, being with another who has
awakened energy, and a
sincere desire to open the heart all can play a part in awakening by making
us grace-prone (as Adyashanti has labeled the readiness for awakening)"
divine grace
Spurgeon and the Kabbalah both teach that divine grace is a force.
"There are two very powerful forces in the world which have been here
ever since the time when Eve partook of the forbidden fruit in the Garden
of Eden. Those two forces are sin and divine grace."
“Divine grace is a
manifestation of the cosmic free will in operation. It can alter the course
of events in a mysterious manner through its own unknown laws, which are
superior to all natural laws, and can modify the latter by interaction. It
is the most powerful force in the universe… “It is a descent of God into the
soul’s zone of awareness. It is a visitation of force unexpected and
unpredictable. It is a voice spoken out of cosmic silence – It is ‘Cosmic
Will which can perform authentic miracles under its own laws.’” – Paul Brunton [5]"
energy of the Spirit
"You must live in the spiritual world where all is new.
You must converse with God, a thing unknown to you before. You must converse
with His Son to whom you have been a stranger. You must feel the power and
energy of the Spirit working in you, a matter which you have never known
till now or there is no hope for you."
"This expansion takes
place through the realisation that there is more to life than the outer
form. As we explore beyond those physical, emotional and mental aspects in
us that we call the personality, we find another energy that is not so easy
to define and which seems to move us at a deeper level; this is the Soul. It
is by being receptive to its mystery that we can start to connect to the
universal collective energy of the Spirit."
Spurgeon: Remember, too, that we must give the Lord our love, or else that love
will go somewhere else. We are so created that we must love something or
other. If the Ever-Blessed One does not win our love, the world, the flesh,
or the devil will gain it. (36)
It is declared in that
when darkness of ignorance has gone, when the pairs of opposites have been
transcended, then in meditation nothing remains save the
ever-blessed One
alone. (37)
vital essence
Spurgeon: "What have you done? The voice of
your brother’s blood cries unto Me from the ground.” Then Cain knew that
blood could not be idly spilt, that murder would be avenged, for there was a
tongue in every drop of the vital essence which flowed from murdered
manhood, which prevailed with God, so that He would interpose and hold a
solemn inquest." (38)
"(3) The Vital Essence --
This is the third element necessary for the composition of the human body.
Having endowed it with substance and form, If we would have it a living
thing we must add vitality. But life is inherent in all things, and
Theosophy recognizes no such thing as dead substance, therefore the reader
must understand by this third principle, individual as opposed to universal
life, or that which distinguishes organic from inorganic matter. Prana is
the name given to it by the Hindus . . . "
eternal ray
'Tis midnight on the mountains' brown, The cold round moon shines
deeply down; Blue roll the waters, blue the sky Spreads like an ocean hung
on high Bespangled with those isles of light, So wildly, spiritually bright;
Who ever gazed upon them shining, And turning to earth without repining, Nor
wish'd for wings to flee away, And mix with their
eternal ray."
the unhappiness of earth is caused by the fact that that
eternal ray which
must ultimately be reaccorded with the Creator finds impediments in its
ray of light
perceived how near He was while my eyes were looking a long way off for Him,
looking up into heaven or into my own soul; but of this I am conscious at
this moment, that I never could under any ministry have been enabled to spy
out my Lord Jesus, if it had not been that the Holy Spirit cast a
ray of
light upon Christ, and opened my eyes so that I could perceive Him."
"In Scriabin’s Theosophical retelling, Prometheus does not steal the fire but
is given it consciously by Zeus in order to produce “the
ray of light” in humans. Thus
Prometheus is like Lucifer, the “light bringer” who imparts the mind with
the capacity to understand the causes of progress and regression."
Most of the urls are to occult websites and are intended for documentation
1. The Holy Spirit, the Need of the Age No. 1952
1a. http://www.letusreason.org/Pent56.htm
2. Freemasonry, the Worship of Lucifer Part 1 of 5 pg. 14
2c.An Encyclopedia of Shamanism Volume 1 pg. 176
2d. Who is Samael? https://www.mayimachronim.com/who-is-samael/
3.Two Choice Benedictions No. 3371
3a. Ritual of the Nineteenth Degree Grand Pontiff 1970s - AASR-Canada
4.(Light Theosophy Trust https://theosophytrust.mobi/733-
4b. http://www.iapsop.com/ssoc/1874__tappan___new_science.pdf
4d. https://gnosticteachings.org/glossary/a.html
4dd. Pentecost Novena to the Holy Spirit for the Seven Gifts:
4ddd. BOOKS / SD - Sons and Daughters of God (1955)
4e. https://www.spurgeongems.org/vols28-30/chs1790.pdf
4f. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:JEDuCDNaz2sJ:https://www.summitlighthouse.org/tag/violet-flame-decrees-2/feed/+&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
5. (Comfort and Constancy No. 2363
6. (The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky Vol. 1 pg. 337
7. (Hands Full of Honey No. 1703
8. (https://www.compellingtruth.org/seven-heavens.html)
9. (Seekers Directed and Encouraged No. 1475B
10. (The Voice of Silence, Helena P. Blavatsky
11. (The Angelic Life No. 842
12. (The Hierarchy and Orders of Demons
secret fire
13. (Death for Sin, and Death to Sin No. 1143
14. Light, Love and Hope -Theosophy Trust Memorial Library
15. (God's Nearness to Us No. 1973
16. (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry by Manly P. Hall pg. 32
asonryOrTheSecret OfHiramAbiff/MicrosoftWord-Document1.pdf
16a. https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0738746835
16b. https://yogainternational.com/article/view/qa-kundalini-yoga-and-chakras
17.(God, the All-Seeing-One No. 177
18. [Pike, "Morals and Dogma", p. 26-16]
seeing-eye-god-or-baal/ )
19. (Eye of Horus https://goodlucksymbols.com/eye-of-horus)
20. (The General Convocation Around Mount Zion #1689
21. (An Outline of Theosophy by C.W. Leadbeater pg. 73
22. (The Choice of a Leader No. 1248
23. (Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, p. 62,
edition 2006, original edition 1923
24. (Treasury of David Psalm 57
26. A Well Ordered Life No. 878
27. (The Masonic Trowel
_files/fremasonry_ wisdom_strength_and_beauty.htm)
28.(The Glorious Master and the Swooning Disciple #1028
29. (The Scales of Justice and Karma
30. (A Second Word to Seekers No. 1313
31. (The Power of Kundalini
32. (Sin and Grace No. 3115
33.(The Passover Sedar Night of Grace Rabbi Yoel Glick
34. (Ever Man's Necessity No. 1455
35. (The Esoteric Tarot http://www.cristianacaria.com/en-
36. (A Weighty Charge No. 1286
37. (Annie Besant - 1913 - Theosophy and the Theosophical
Society) https://tinyurl.com/ycuvx8oq)
38. (The Blood of Abel and the Blood of Jesus No. 708)
39. (And Outline of the Principles of Modern Theosophy By
Claude Falls Wright pg. 83 https://books.google.com/books?
40.(Seasons of Darkness by Charles Spurgeon)
41. (Meslom's Messages From the Life Beyond
http://www.spiritwritings.com/MeslomMessages.pdf )
42. (The Saint and the Spirit No. 754
43. (Alexander Scriabin: Music of Ecstasy and Light
44. (Solemn Pleadings for Revival #1215
45. (Pneumatology: The Spirit of Reiki
46. (The Simplicity and Sublimity of Salvation No. 2259)
47a. What is Gnosis?
47b. How to Understand Your Bible by Manly P Hall
48.The Eternal Truth of God No. 1265
49. Revised and Enlarged Edition: The Book of the Ancient
and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry by Charles M. Clenachan,
50.(Mr. Fearing Comforted # 246
51. (Masonic Official Monitor Texas: Opening a Lodge -
Sacred Texts www.sacred-texts.com/mas/omtx/omtx03.htm)
52. https://www.spurgeongems.org/vols40-42/chs2383.pdf
53. Path of the Soul: How Jesus Attained Christ Consciousness