Freemasons Lay the Foundation Stone for
Spurgeon's Metropolitan Tabernacle
The laying of the Foundation Stone (Cornerstone) for the
Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, England, was an official Masonic ceremony.
The large photograph below is found in the book, C. H. Spurgeon Autobiography:
Volume 2 The Full Harvest. The Banner of Truth Trust, 1973, Reprinted 2006.
The caption reads as follows:
"The laying of the foundation stone of the Metropolitan Tabernacle."
The close-up of the same photo shows the two Freemasons on
the platform wearing Masonic regalia. The presiding Freemason over the ritual
was Sir Morton Peto because Charles Spurgeon sad he was the one who performed
"the Ceremony of laying the First Stone":
"The Ceremony of laying the First Stone was then performed in the customary
manner by Sir S. M. Peto, amidst the loud acclamation of the Spectators." (1)
The color photo is another picture
of Freemasons laying the Foundation Stone/Cornerstone. (2)
Also of note is the fact that William W. Pocock, the
architect for Metropolitan Tabernacle, was a Freemason. Pocock was the
"Master of the Worshipful Company of Carpenters." (3)
(1) The Ceremony of the Laying of the First Stone of the New
Tabernacle For the Congregation of the Reverend C. H. Spurgeon (#268-270
(2) Cornerstone Ceremony at Conejo Valley Lodge
(3) Worshipful Company of Carpenters