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  The DEFINED King James Bible: Definitions For Change

"If Thine Eye Be Single" -- Key Bible Passage Targeted For Corruption

The DEFINED King James Bible contains more corrupt definitions than I have time to cite in this series. I have concentrated on some of the most obvious doctrinal changes they have introduced into the King James Bible through the vehicle of "definitions."

How many examples do you need to be convinced that God is not pleased with the chaff The Bible for Today inserted into their DEFINED King James Bible?  The abundance of false definitions expose The DEFINED King James Bible (like the New King James Version) as a Trojan Horse in the King James Bible camp.

Those who are most vulnerable to being misled by the false definitions in the DEFINED King James Bible are:

  1.  those who speak English as a second language (including the deaf)

  2. people who are not familiar with the King James Bible

  3.  children

  4. anyone who is not already grounded in sound doctrine.


 Was Jesus Teaching His Disciples How to Have Healthy Eyesight?

Let us examine the way Waites of The Bible For Today (and The Dean Burgon Society) drastically changed Jesus' critical warning in Matthew 6:22 and 23.

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single6, thy whole body shall be full of light. Matt. 6:22

But if thine eye be evil6b, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! Matt. 6:23

footnotes in the DEFINED King James Bible:

6 GK sound, healthy

6b i.e. diseased

Notice that the words in footnote #6 ("sound, healthy") were plucked from a Greek Lexicon.


The Definition is Determined by the Context

The context in which a word is used is essential to understanding its meaning. If a word is being used to teach a spiritual principle, then that word must be defined in that particular context. This article cites yet another example in which the definitions in The DEFINED King James Bible serve to mislead the reader by violating the context!

In the case of Matthew 6:22 and 23, the Waites' ignored the obvious context of "single" and "evil" as it is used in this passage of Scripture and created their own version of meaning, causing readers to  think Jesus was talking about a healthy eye and a diseased eye.

Instead of the readers being made aware that Jesus warned his followers to be devoted to one single thing: walking in the light of God's word, lest we lose this light and be overcome with spiritual darkness, the Waites steered them in a completely different direction.


Jesus was not teaching a Physical Health Class

Regardless of the Waites' misleading footnotes, Jesus was not referring to the physical eyesight. Jesus was referring to seeing clearly in a spiritual sense. The Lord Jesus Christ often used word pictures for the purpose of teaching spiritual truths.

The word, "single" in the biblical context of "thine eye be single" means:

Pure; simple; incorrupt; unbiased; having clear vision of divine truth. Matt. 6.

(Quoted from,single)

Single. Steady, devoted to one object

(Quoted from Barnes Commentary)

The word, "evil" in the biblical context of "But if thine eye be evil" has the connotation of:

corrupt; wicked, bad in regard to divine truth. Someone who has an evil eye is not devoted to one object: serving God in spirit and in truth. One who has an evil eye wavers in his devotion to God alone and thus will eventually be overcome by spiritual darkness.

The Christian must cooperate with God by obeying the Lord Jesus Christ with a single eye. This is how God will keep him from being deceived and overcome:

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. "(Being full of light is being in a state of safety from deception.)

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"



The Bible For Today's false definitions for "single" and "evil" serve to pervert Jesus' warning to his disciples. They wrongly teach that Jesus Christ's warning referred to the physical health of one's eyes rather than one's spiritual condition.


Also see: Having a Single Eye Equals Being Not Deceived


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