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Theosophists Look For the "Consummation of the Age"

Theosophists do not believe in the bible doctrine of "the end of the world." Rather, they believe (as did Plymouth Brethren leaders John Darby, Thomas Newberry and their American agent, Cyrus Scofield), in the doctrine of the "consummation of the age":

On the other hand, at no time since the Christian era, have the precursor signs described in Matthew applied so graphically and forcibly to any epoch as they do to our own times. When has nation arisen against nation more than at this time? When have "famines" – another name for destitute pauperism, and the famished multitudes of the proletariat – been more cruel, earthquakes more frequent, or covered such an area simultaneously, as for the last few years? Millenarians and Adventists of robust faith, may go on saying that "the coming of (the carnalised) Christ" is near at hand, and prepare themselves for "the end of the world."' Theosophists – at any rate, some of them – who understand the hidden meaning of the universally-expected Avatars, Messiahs, Sosioshes and Christs – know that it is no "end of the world," but "the consummation of the age," i.e., the close of a cycle, which is now fast approaching. [Bold emphasis added.]

(Quote Source: The Esoteric Character of the Gospels


More on Scofield's use of occult terms: Cyrus I. Scofield: "The Cross . . . made at-one-ment"

related article: John Darby's Christ Compared to Alice Bailey's Christ

return to: John Darby Version Replaced "World" with "Age"

John Nelson Darby: Freemason


All charts in this series are listed here: Dispensationalism: Masonic Roots

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