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Initiation: What Does it Mean?


This occult term is generally used in reference to the expansion or transformation of a person's consciousness. An "initiate" is one whose consciousness has been transformed so that he now perceives inner realities. There are varying "degrees" of initiation (i.e., "first degree initiates," "second-degree initiates," etc.).
(Source: A Brief Dictionary of New Age Terminology) 1


This term is generally used in reference to the expansion or transformation of a person's consciousness. Derived from the Latin " In ire " to go within. An Initiate is one whose consciousness has been transformed so that he now perceives the Inner Essence, the noumena behind the phenomena.

(Source: A Dictionary of New Age Terminology) 2

The final goal of New Age initiation is revealed in the following statements: 

 Man's final destination is to seek union with God, the ultimate reality.

Union with God being the highest goal, is also the most difficult to achieve.

(Source: Main Points of Indian Mysticism) 3

There are many world religions that teach the concept of "union with God." In fact, this is a common denominator in the religions of the New Age and is the goal of mystics.

Union with God, or at-one-ment is the ultimate goal of Stewart Best's Straight Gate/ Narrow Way doctrines. 

*Note:  Ellen G. White and Cyrus I. Scofield both equated the atonement of Jesus Christ with "at-one-ment."






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