Star of Baphomet Marks No Greater
Joy Ministries
Michael and Debi Pearl's No
Greater Joy Ministries is marked with
occult symbolism and
doctrines. They use fonts to incorporate
occult symbols into some of their book covers, DVD covers and even their
Below is a scanned copy of page 6 from the 2011 NGJ Calendar edition of their
magazine. This page features photos of some of the people who visited their grounds
the previous summer.
Notice the inverted star displayed in the
orange-colored block that is the backdrop for the word, "Our."
(Michael Pearl is pictured almost directly beneath the "star.")

As you can see, No Greater Joy Ministries inserted a nearly encircled
(2) five-pointed, upside-down "star" symbol into
the "O" in the word, "Our." The inverted star is the configuration
of the Goat's Head.

In order to most plainly show that the star symbol used in the No Greater Joy
2011 Calendar magazine edition is the same star as the satanic/witchcraft Star of Baphomet,
I have cropped and enlarged the star even more to reveal the single point
downward positioning, which is in the shape of the "Goat's Head."
Compare No Greater Joy's star with the Church of Satan's Star of Baphomet. The
five-pointed star in the No Greater Joy magazine is pointing downward, just like
the Star of Baphomet from and the Eastern Star.
The stars are identical!
The symbol of Baphomet, which represents Satan, is
used by black magick witches and satanists (including Freemasons). He is known to them as The God of the Witches, the Black
Goat, Goat of a Thousand Young, Goat of Mendes, Goat's Head Star, Judas Goat, Sabbatic Goat, Scapegoat, and Star of Mendes.
Satanists and witches openly mark their book covers, websites, T-shirts, album
covers, businesses, etc. with symbols that exalt their god.
True Christians abhor that which is evil. They do not sneak in occult symbols to
covertly mark themselves for the devil.
Take heed whenever a professing Christian ministry uses fonts or any other means
to display satanic and witchcraft symbolism when the context does not require
it. (See how Texe Marrs and
Michael Pearl sneaked in Point Within a Circle Masonic symbolism via an
"O" font.)
Many self-proclaimed Christian ministries use occult symbolism—not
for the purpose of exposing and warning against it—but
as a marking. When a ministry is using
occult symbolism and/or occult doctrines in order to mark themselves for their actual master,
they typically insert them into their
materials without comment. They stealthily incorporate satanic
or witchcraft markings
into their "ministry materials" by way of a logo design, a message board avatar, a font, a picture,
writings and audio/visual presentations.
All occult practitioners, whether they practice openly or under a "Christian"
front, use some of the following: magickal fonts and alphabets,
runes (including
runes and
occult symbols incorporated
into logos), symbols, numbers,
phraseology, occult doctrines and even certain colors and color combinations (red and black
is a favorite) to mark their work for Satan.
Those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ abstain from all appearance of evil. They
do not mark themselves with symbolism that represents evil.
(1) Scanned copy of page 6 from No Greater Joy
magazine, 2011 NGJ Calendar Edition
(2) Dr. Cathy Burns wrote: "Actually, any occult
symbol is considered to be even more powerful whenever a circle is used around
another occultic symbol."
Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated by Dr.
Cathy Burns page 30
(3) scanned, cropped and
enlarged image ("O" in "Our) from No Greater Joy Ministries magazine (2011
Calendar Edition, page 6)
(4) Enlarged view of the inverted star (page 6 from
No Greater Joy magazine, 2011 Calendar Edition) which is the shape specifically
configured for the goat's head.
Image of Star of Baphomet found at (We used this image for
educational purposes only. We recommend that you stay away from this site.)
(6) Information found in Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated
by Dr. Cathy Burns page 402
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