39 The NKJV & the Triquetra
The following article is from a series (1) by Dr.
John Hinton, Bible Restoration Ministry.
An ancient symbol appears on the covers or cover pages of virtually all New King
James Version Bibles, which is called the triquetra. The liner of the NKJV
explains the meaning of the triquetra thus:

(from a Latin word meaning "three-cornered") is an ancient symbol for the
Trinity. It comprises three interwoven arcs, distinct yet equal and
inseparable, symbolizing that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three
distinct yet equal Persons and indivisibly One God."
Is this what the
Triquetra really means?
The triquetra that adorns this version tells us all we need to know about the
NKJV, and it is enough by itself to tell all but the most spiritually dead among
Christians that it is to be shunned like the plague. Let us take a look at some
of the folks that use the same symbol and see if it really is a Christian symbol
of the trinity as the Catholic owned Thomas Nelson company says that it is.
Before starting it should be pointed out that the NKJV’s footnote for 1 John 5:7
lies to its readers by telling them that only a few very late manuscripts
include this verse. Isn’t it strange that the version with an alleged symbol of
the trinity would attack the trinity within its text (annotated versions). The
evidence that follows will make it clear that it is only the Christian trinity
that is being attacked. The trinity that is represented by the triquetra is
another one entirely.
Gryphon's Moon, a designer of pagan jewelry, describes the meaning of the
triquetra thus: "The number three was significant to the early Celts, who used
it to represent the three-fold nature of the Goddess (Maiden, Mother, and
Crone), or the Christian
Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost)." This company also sells jewelry with
dragons, moon goddesses and many other pagan images and symbols. Is this the
of symbol that Christians should be displaying? One that can be either pagan or
Christian, depending on your tastes!
Goodfibes offers a triquetra that they describe in a similar manner:
"A protective amulet and
symbol of the Three-Part Goddess (Maiden, Mother, Crone) and later, a symbol
of the Christian Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Ghost)."
A related symbol that uses a threefold pattern based on human legs goes under
the name Triquetra or Trinacria. Its origins are quite ancient and it is
believed to be a representation of Baal in his threefold form of god of spring,
summer and winter.
The legs are believed to be representations of phases of the moon. It was used
in Phoenicia, later in Greece, and later yet in Sicily where it is still used to
this day as a charm. I will leave it to other researchers to prove or disprove
its relationship with
our triquetra, but the similarity appears to be more than just superficial.
Could our more modern triquetra be a more abstract version of this symbol of
Baal worship?
Triquetra coins are offered by a company called Magickware that specializes in a
wide variety of occult merchandise. The message on the coin reads: "Do as you
will, an it harm none" (sic.) This is a common slogan of witches. Like virtually
all companies that
sell triquetras, this one also sells pentagrams. Another company describes the
triquetra thus: "A triquetra is an ancient protective Triple Goddess symbol. The
three yonic vesicas are spaced evenly and often a circle is added. Some versions
are interlaced
as in this one, some are not." One particularly perverted jewelry manufacturer
specializes in huge variety of New Age, pagan, Satanic and Egyptian symbols, as
well as symbols from many of the world's religions. The Triquetra is one of
their most popular designs. They advertise them side by side with a non-abstract
666 design
pendant. They seem to know that they are connected, why don't modern
church-goers? Yet another company, which is geared toward a sodomite and
lesbian clientele, describes their specially designed triquetra variations as
trisexual symbols. Their meaning is not hard to figure out by studying them.
They mix the male and female symbols into the design. Since Pentagrams are
almost always sold side by side
with triquetras, as they are from the same ultimate source, will Thomas Nelson
put a pentagram on one of their future Bible versions a few years down the line?
Do not mistake that question as being sarcastic - I truly would not be
The television program "Charmed" has a slogan that is linked to the triquetra:
"The power of three will
set you free."
Are modern Christians going to
tell us that refers to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? The symbol is
quite prominent on the show and appears on the ouija board and the planchette
(handheld part) of the board that is used on the show, as well as on the cover
and title page of the Book of Shadows, which is a book of witchcraft spells. The
fans of this shockingly wicked show are particularly fond of the triquetra. The
"Charmed Writers' Guild" has a website that expresses this fondness well.
Perhaps they are also big NKJV fans.
Another company offers pirage boards, which they describe as a variation on the
ouija board. The designer states that:
"The Triquetra represents the
Holy Trinity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) with Christians or the
threefold nature of the Goddess (as
virgin, mother and crone) with Pagans and Wiccans. One of its objectives,
according to myth, is to protect the user from evil influence when using
channeling boards."
If we are to believe that this
symbol can be either Christian or pagan, what kind of Christian would wear it
when it causes so much confusion? Or should we assume that such Christians see
no problem with the dichotomy? Dawnstorm sells two different ouija boards
that incorporate the triquetra. The first also displays pentagrams and the
Satanic yin and yang symbol, which suggests that good and evil are just two
sides of the same coin. The second design is one that is inspired by the Charmed
television show.
Terry Watkins discovered a
triquetra design on a tarot card, which was designed by Aleister Crowley
himself. I do not know how many tarot cards use this symbol, and I am not going
to buy any to look for it, but I had no trouble finding a number of tarot card
boxes that have it displayed on their lids. The Witches Shop carries a tarot
card box that is adorned with a triquetra that they say "symbolizes the three
faces of the Goddess, balance of Mind, Body and Spirit, and other Divine
Trinities. The circle
signifies the ever-turning cycle of life, death & rebirth." The also offer a yin
and yang symbol tarot card box.
A revolting little site on the internet entitled "Morticia's Morgue Occult
Emporium" offers items sorted by type, which include Witchcraft & Pagan, Gothic
& Vampire, Pentacles & Pentagrams, Goddess & Feminist, Egyptian, and of course,
a whole section devoted to triquetras. In addition to jewelry, they also offer a
tarot box card adorned with a triquetra.
There are many companies that offer triquetra chalices. Like most, Fairmoon
sells Wiccan Chalices with triquetras or with pentagrams. Since they are a
matching set, both would go together well. However, the modern Christian might
want to be a little less conspicuous and stick to the triquetra. Just think,
this modern Christian can use his chalice in a communion ritual, and if he knows
any practicing witches he can lend them the same chalice for drinking blood at a
black mass. Talk about ecumenism, we truly have entered a brave new world!
Other companies that sell triquetras include Triple Goddess, Goddess Flight,
Pagan Gardens, Aneski, Strega, Rbuehl, Wyccad Myste, For Your Witchy Desires,
Harness the Power of the Ancients, Spirit, WhiteMagic.com, Witch On Line
Auctions, Coffin Full of Crows, Wild Wisdom, Capricorn's Lair, WiccaWorks,
Heavenly Alchemy, Pagan Definitions and CatholicSupply.com. Modern Christians
need not worry;
I am sure that none of these companies would discriminate and that they would be
more than happy to supply churches with whatever Satanic paraphernalia
that they have in stock.
Your servant in Christ,
John Hinton, Ph.D.
Bible Restoration Ministry
A ministry seeking the translating and reprinting of
KJV equivalent Bibles in all the languages of the
(2) "Modern Christian" refers to
Christians of the falling away kind. The saints of God must purpose to walk in
the old paths:
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye
in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and
walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. (Jer. 6:16)
NKJV & the Triquetra Part 2
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Thomas Nelson Publishers Boldly
Emphasized the Triquetra Symbol
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