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Charles Spurgeon: Prince of Pretenders
Photos of C. H. Spurgeon's Ancient Mystery Religion of Lucifer Hand Signal

The Hidden Hand (Lion's Paw)

A. Ralph Epperson, an historian, author, and lecturer, who has been researching this ancient hand sign since the 1970's, explains the meaning of the Hidden Hand/ Lion's Paw hand signal:

The Lion's Paw is a 6000 year old symbol that is used as a way of communicating to initiates of the world-wide ANCIENT MYSTERY RELIGION of LUCIFER (Satan) WORSHIP that those who display the Lion's Paw symbol are also initiates themselves. (1)

The Lion's Paw (which can be displayed openly or inside a jacket) was in use thousands of years before the institution of Freemasonry, so it is not Masonic in origin. However, the Freemasons adopted this Ancient Mystery Religion of Lucifer hand sign and gave it their own Masonic name:

The Sign of the Master of the Second Veil, which is the seventh degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

Manly Palmer Hall (1901-1990) a 33rd degree Freemason of the AASR (Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite) wrote:

“When the human race learns to read thelanguage of symbolism, a great veil will fall from the eyes of men. They shall then know the truth and, more than that, they shall realize that from the beginning truth has been in the world unrecognized, save by a small but gradually increasing number appointed by the Lords of the Dawn as ministers to the needs of human creatures struggling to regain their consciousness of divinity."
(Melchizidek And The Mystery of Fire)

Hall explained the reason for the use of symbolism in the occult:

“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language.” (The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy", p.36)

Sign of the Master of the Second Veil



To avoid confusion it is important to mention that the Freemasons use the term, "the Lion's Paw" to name one of their Masonic handshakes (hand grips) used by those in the Master Mason degree. Other names for this handshake are the "MA-HA-BONE" and the Strong Grip of the Master Mason. (2)

Below is a photo of Charles Spurgeon as a young man posing with the Lion's Paw hand signal—commonly referred to as The Hidden Hand. This photo is found in the book, Sketch of the Life and Ministry of Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. From original documents, published in New York by Sheldon and Co. in 1859. (3)


spurgeon lion's paw


And again, Charles Spurgeon displaying the the Lion's Paw (The Hidden Hand) hand signal while wearing a Top Hat, a status symbol of the elite social class in his time. This photo was taken from my own copy of the book, C.H. Spurgeon Autobiography: Volume 1 The Early Years, published by Banner of Truth in 1962 and reprinted in 1973.


charles spurgeon lion's paw hidden hand


Thomas Spurgeon, Charles Spurgeon's son and successor to the Metropolitan Tabernacle pulpit, posing with the Lion's Paw (Hidden Hand). (4)


Thomas Spurgeon displaying the Masonic Lion's Paw


Also see:  Charles Spurgeon: Prince of Pretenders Index of Articles

Charles Spurgeon Posed With the Vulcan Hand Sign

Freemasons at Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for Metropolitan Tabernacle

C. H. Spurgeon Marked His Sermons With Luciferian Terms

Susannah Spurgeon Posed With the Inverted V Sign Occult Hand Signal



1. The Lion's Paw: Satan's Symbol in the World -- A. Ralph Epperson


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